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Comment Re:Bazaar (Score 1) 442

Except with a major difference: Bazaar gives you the ability to have both checkouts share the same database, so it doesn't take up twice the amount of space. Git doesn't let you do this -- you'll have to create two full copies of the repository. (Ironically, this accusation is often made towards Bazaar by people who haven't heard of shared repositories.)

git does allow you to do this, with plenty of flexibility: see man git-clone. Specifically, if cloning a git repository on the same filesystem, the common data is automatically shared using hard links (don't forget that all entries in a git repository are immutable, so this Just Works); additionally, you can use some combination of the --reference, --shared or --no-hardlinks options to control exactly how cloning should occur.

Perhaps it would have been better to say "I don't think git allows you to do this" rather than "git doesn't let you do this". ;-)

Comment Re:Git could use revision numbers (Score 1) 442

Use `git describe':

[peter@harrington gaf (master)]$ git describe

This returns a string containing the most recent tag on the branch (1.7.1-20110619), the number of commits since that tag (169), and the first seven hexadecimal digits of the commit SHA-1 (c9d4f66).

Comment Re:Pulse Audio (Score 2) 460

1. If you even suggest for a second that systemd isn't awesome, you will hear from people (for example.... you) who says it's great, without addressing any concerns that system admins actually have.

Mainly because said concerns tend to boil down to "Waaah, it's different." Oh no.

2. The command line interface is annoying... it's even worse than the problems we have with SMF on Solaris 10+. Following the original threads about it, you can tell Lennart has no idea what people actually do with the command line. systemd calling $MORE? Hasn't anyone ever used expect?

"Annoying" is an opinion. Could you please link to said threads?

3. They want to roll cron and inetd into it... for no reason that I can see. Vixie cron and xinetd both work great last I checked. This seems to be bacause that's what MacOS X does with launchd, not for any real reason.

There are some advantages, such as per job/per request cgroups to make sure that all processes get cleaned up correctly. I'm not particularly bothered either way. Note that "in systemd" doesn't mean "in PID 1".

4. Doesn't socket activation require changes to daemons?

It does. However, you don't need to use socket activation -- "classic" forking services can be used just fine. Obviously, yes, if you want all the advantages of systemd, daemons do need to be modified to receive their sockets from systemd.

5. D-Bus dependency. On my init system. Sounds awesome, where do I sign up. systemctl actually didn't work at first on my F15 box because... I don't run dbus (standard X11 window manager, I don't generally use Gnome or KDE, lucky me.)

Some sort of RPC was needed for communication between systemctl and PID 1. TBH I would rather systemd used a solution that's already widely used in the Linux desktop, is well-maintained and robust, rather than Lennart rolling his own NIH version. But maybe that's just me. It doesn't seem like an unreasonable design decision to me. What solution would you prefer?

6. Optimizing for a problem most Linux boxes don't have... reboot speed and dependency resolution, which really sounds like something I do as little as possible. I run 100s or 1000s of boxes... reboot speed is rarely my concern... my boxes spend more time in POST then they do mounting filesystems and starting sshd these days. Sounds like a laptop problem to me.

As far as I can tell, systemd is also optimised for ensuring that login sessions and daemon processes are correctly & fully cleaned up (for example, if you're rebooting apache, systemd will make sure all the processes apache forked are terminated -- something SysV init can't do).

7. No separate /usr... and when you ask about it you're told "you don't want that." Now, I don't ever separate /usr if I don't have to, but I do not think that is an adequate answer, and I know people this is going to seriously affect at some point.

"systemd itself is actually completely fine with /usr on a separate file system that is not pre-mounted at boot time. However, the common basic set of OS components of modern Linux machines is not, and has not been in quite some time. And it is unlikely that this is going to be fixed any time soon, or even ever." People seem to be very keen to shoot the messenger (i.e. the systemd devs) for warning them that about breakage that has been present since before systemd existed.

Gah, I don't even run systemd myself and I seem to know more about it than most people commenting on this article...

Comment Re:Holding back? (Score 1) 460

Before PulseAudio it wasn't possible to turn on a bluetooth headset and have any audio that was playing through your speakers automatically start going to the headset instead.

And that was a fundamental design flaw in Alsa (rather than just missing drivers), and it could only be remedied by inventing a whole new sound daemon / system and putting it on top of Alsa?

In a word, yes.

Comment Re:Holding back? (Score 1) 460

What does PulseAudio-on-ALSA accomplish that straight ALSA cannot? Assuming a non-null answer to that, how many users really need that functionality to justify including PulseAudio as the default configuration for major distributions?

At the risk of repeating myself:

  1. Plug in USB speakers and have audio come out
  2. Individually control applications' volume/balance/output channel

Comment Re:PulseAudio? (Score 1) 460

For my friends who use Linux, the first thing I do whenever a new distro is installed is to check if it is using PulseAudio. If so, I remove it and replace it with ALSA. Suddenly issues related to audio playback go away and everything just magically works. Oh and they easily have a proper mixer without jumping through hoops, too, which is handy considering some of them are using 5.1 surround sound and/or bluetooth headphones.

So, tell me. How, using ALSA, do you turn on a pair of BT headphones and redirect sound from running apps to them?

I too had problems with PA when it was initially introduced, but now I haven't had any problems with it in literally years. These days it Just Works, and I've used some of its nifty features from time to time. To claim that it doesn't solve any relevant problems or that raw ALSA should be the default is completely bogus, TBH.

If ALSA were a barely-functional, poorly designed sound system...

It is.

Comment Re:What's the point? (Score 1) 164

I'm not in a position to try it myself because the PC on which I'm typing this has integrated graphics, which isn't enough to run KDE according to some idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Fixed that for you. KDE 4 works perfectly with integrated graphics, you just have to turn desktop effects off. It's perfectly usable without desktop effects enabled, all applications detect it and degrade gracefully, and all the controls etc. work pretty much the same. I have a laptop with integrated graphics that doesn't support desktop effects, and I don't notice the difference apart from once a week or so when I suddenly wonder why my terminal emulator doesn't have a transparent background.

This graceful degradation is a pleasant contrast to GNOME 3, I might add.


Submission + - World's Most Powerful Rocket Ready in 2012, SpaceX (

Velcroman1 writes: Elon Musk, the millionaire founder of private space company Space Exploration Technologies Corp (SpaceX for short) said the long planned Falcon Heavy vehicle would be ready for lift off at the end of 2012. The rocket, which he called the most powerful in the world, would be capable of taking men to the International Space Station, dropping vehicles and astronauts on the moon — and maybe even cruising to Mars and back.

"This is a rocket of truly huge scale," Musk said at a press conference unveiling the rocket. "With Falcon Heavy, we'll be able to put well over 100,000 pounds into orbit," he said, and possibly as much as 120,000 pounds.

"That's more than a fully loaded Boeing 737 — with passengers and fuel" and even luggage, Musk said.

Comment Re:environmentalist aren't the problem (Score 1) 560

Wind power disasters?

I must have missed where I claimed there had been any. I was talking about deaths per energy generated, where nuclear fission beats wind quite comfortably. Deaths per TW/hr: wind 0.15, nuclear 0.0009. I can even provide citations:

D.J. Ball, L.E.J. Roberts, and A.C.D. Simpson "An Analysis of Electricity Generation Health Risks: A United Kingdom Perspective." Centre for Environmental and Risk Management, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK (1994).

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