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Comment Re:displays are terrible keyboards (Score 1) 159

(disregarding sammyF70's joke about tablet fanboys)

You know, there are people out there who just do not need a keyboard. The keyboard is optimized to construct words in an alphabetic language. Chinese users have struggled since the beginning of computing to figure out a good method to construct words on the keyboard. The most optimal solution now is a combination of some typing shorthand + auto-completion. Chinese is a language best written by hand. For that, a touch interface is actually superior.

Comment Re:Sci-fi isn't about the technology (Score 1) 342

Great point. For me, imagining what the setting is like is fun, but it is much more rewarding to see a whole world constructed. The world doesn't come from cool gadgets and flashy science or magic, but about how people behave differently or similarly in the presence of such things. It takes more work on the part of the movie/book writers and more imagination in the parts of the actors.

Comment Re:Not really a chess-to-music mapping (Score 1) 87

The only good point you've made is the elimination of one of the dimensions of movement. However, the combination of piece value and target file is much more significant than a 10% compression of the game. For example, at any given point in the game, there's very few different moves possible from those conditions. The non-moving pieces are non-moving; even in chess notation nobody cares about those.

Additionally, the goal of this exercise is to deterministically convert chess to music. So I think you're missing the point if you count that as a negative.

Calling this 20% of music is a bit harsh as well. True, many elements of music are not represented here, but arguably this is adding an additional element.

Comment Re:Where is wikileaks when you need them (Score 4, Interesting) 244

High frequency trading actually facilitates more accurate pricing of securities because of the liquidity it introduces to the market. The benefit of accurate pricing is hard to explain fully without getting deeper into the economics of markets, but it's definitely there. The animosity you raised is probably due to a perceived lack of contribution (no tangible products produced). But actually, facilitating better pricing will route investment into areas that deserve it (e.g. to the guy who produces 2 potatoes per unit resource instead of 1.5 potatoes). The sum effect of these actions is a raised social utility.

Comment Inspired or frustrated? (Score 1) 473

I don't know whether I should be awed that we have discovered something like this hundreds/thousands of years ago or whether I should be frustrated that people take this knowledge for granted. We should be able to build upon all the things we discovered for progress, not digress centuries into the past.

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