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Comment Re:Just like "free" housing solved poverty! (Score 1) 262

shutup. just shut the fuck up. you neither know you are talking about, nor have any valid point to make. its not about solving the digital divide any more than the housing thing is about solving poverty. its been widely and clearly shown that there is an increase in opportunity and outcomes between homes with and home without internet access. you're essentially complaining about improving someones potential opportunities to enrich themselves and make their life better and maybe even get out of that housing you mock. but again, you have no valid point, so therefore theres little sense in talking sense, like pointing out to you that without subsidized housing many of these people would be on street, homeless, increasing both crime rates and homeless and deaths among the impoverished. Theoretically we are a civilized nation. But a civilized nation doesnt advocate intentionally making it harder if not impossible for those most disadvantaged to improve themselves, nor advocate for them to die quickly and get out of the way.

Well spoken, bro

Comment Re:Just like "free" housing solved poverty! (Score 1) 262

The "digital divide" is a real thing. It's the difference between spoiled people like yourself growing up with a computer in your home, and inner city kids who have no computer access at home and have to wait on line at the public library to get a 15 minute time slot.

If you don't recognize that in this society those without computer access are at a disadvantage, you are as stupid as you are uncaring.

Submission + - Power -- And by that I mean Free Broadband -- To the People

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: Slashdot member and open source developer Ben Kallos @KallosEsq — who is now a NYC Councilman — is pushing to make it a precondition to Comcast's merging with Time Warner that it agree to provide free broadband to all public housing residents in the City (and by free I mean free as in beer). Kallos, along with NY's Public Advocate, Letitia James, are leading a group of state and local politicians calling on Comcast to help bridge the digital divide in NY.

Comment Re:If you want results from the web (Score 1) 313

"Or why when setting up an email account does the mail app send the domain name you enter to apple?"

It's so that IF your domain is one that is known to Apple, they can reply back with the correct IMAP and SMTP server settings, allowing you to not have to enter those things. If you are in a big company, or use a very popular email provider, this is a help if Apple happens to know the correct settings for your domain. If you are in a small company, not so much. But there's nothing sinister about it.

Comment Re:Funny thing (Score 1) 421

I've got an iphone 5s. I do not have a case for it, and I carry it around, unprotected, in my left front pocket. However, I also tend to wear baggy clothes that are getting baggier by the day as I continue to lose weight. Anyway - that phone looks like it is brand new, except for a small nick in the metal case on one side where I accidentally dropped the phone from quite a height onto a hard surface. No scratches on the glass, no bends in the case. I have no desire for an iPhone 6 Plus - those things are ridiculously long. But I'm just saying - as a smartphone user, this phone fits in my pocket, unnoticed most of the time. There's no need to wrap a bulky case around it. You'll be fine.

Comment Re:It's not your phone (Score 1) 610

The stupid thing shows up in my iTunes list, but it most certainly didn't take an ounce of my bandwidth. It's in iCloud, not downloaded to any of my devices... If I never hit play on it, it'll never send it to me. I'm mildly annoyed that I now have a U2 album in my otherwise pristine music collection, but I'll live.

Comment Look to other jurisdictions (Score 1) 364

The accident rate for 'distracted driving' is approximately equal to that for drunk driving. Therefore the state has an interest in curbing the bad habits that drivers get into. Here in Saskatchewan Canada, it is illegal to operate any electronic device while driving a motor vehicle. This includes fiddling around with the stereo in your car, fiddling with your GPS, etc. You cannot use a cell phone in any capacity - take a call, take a picture, text, or email, while the vehicle is in motion. If you need to do those things, pull over. Now, the penalties for failure to comply with the law are steep, but fair. Its a $285 fine for the first offense. The second offense, your vehicle is impounded for a week. This does not mean you can't drive - you can certainly rent a car during that period. I'm not 100% clear what happens on subsequent offenses - I imagine they'll increasingly treat you as they would an impaired driver, which you clearly are if you cannot follow a simple, very clear law.

Comment Re:9 to 5 is a myth (Score 2) 146

Canadian here. I work 8:30 to 5:00 with an hour lunch. I'm on salary, and I while I am technically on call 24/7, I am quite sure to rarely ever work more than the 37.5 hours a week I'm paid for. I get 4 weeks paid holiday a year, and free health insurance. I have prescription, optical, and dental coverage through our group plan at work. Life here is pretty good. What I see on the news from the U.S. makes me shake my head some times. You guys just don't seem to get it.

Comment Re:To each his own (Score 1) 63

I agree completely. Bill's podcast is funny. What kills me is that he botches up reading the ads so badly that they also become very entertaining. I remember one time he just stopped reading an ad halfway through and blasted the advertiser for selling a really terrible product. I think it was some kind of 'healthy' snacks or something. Needless to say, he lost that advertiser that day. Please nobody tell Bill that he could just record one 'good' take of an ad and just edit it in every week.

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