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Comment Re:more of a sign they need to improve their proce (Score 4, Insightful) 223

Y'know, I'm with you in general, but pointing at the Xbox division as the epitome of capitalism is, I think, misguided. They've lost billions upon billions of dollars and have no chance of being profitable (as a whole) this generation, and certainly weren't profitable last generation. Xbox is an example of a company trying to leverage a monopoly to fund expansion into a new market at a huge loss, with only vague plans on *ever* making a profit. That isn't exactly the ideal entrepreneurial spirit.

Comment Re:I don't think we have to worry (Score 1) 318

I was kind of scared about the coalition talks creating a backlash that could lead to a Conservative majority, but you know, I just don't see it. Harper's shameless divisiveness, regionalism, and partisan hackery has created a huge amount of disdain for him in Quebec (and probably given the Bloc a boost in the process). It'll take years to undo the damage, and it's practically impossible to get a majority without at least *some* support in Quebec.

Comment Re:I don't like it (Score 1) 318

The airwaves are a public resource. Stations don't own them. If private companies want to run a business and make a profit by exploiting a common resource, I don't see the problem with making them support local talent instead of just rebroadcasting American stuff. It really has nothing to do with freedom of speech.

Comment Re:ACTRA/SOCAN (Score 1) 318

Sorry to break the news to you, but we don't live in the USA. We don't elect a Prime Minister, we elect a House of Commons. The Government (ie PM + Cabinet) needs the confidence of the House to form a government; if they lose that confidence, governments (especially minority governments) fall.

If you have a problem with that, you have a problem with the most fundamental elements of our constitution and system of government.

Comment Re:Open up iPhone? (Score 1) 139

Look, I really respect your belief that the BSD license represents a better idea of freedom than the GPL. But it's unnecessarily insulting to compare the GPL to representing a "kill your wife/control freak philosophy." Really? Kill your wife?! Yeah, like you've got a monopoly on intelligence or deliberate thought, and people who disagree with you...what? Whether you agree with it or not, believing that it's worthwhile to take steps to *ensure* that what you love *stays* free is a legitimate position that deserves some respect.

The same goes for people who outright dismiss BDS stuff, but really.

Maybe it's just that I must be new here or something.

Internet Explorer

A Cheat Sheet To All the Browser Betas 188

Harry writes "I can't remember another time when there were so many Web browsers in prerelease form — 2009 should be a really, really good year for final browser versions. I have posted a quick recap of the state of the upcoming versions of Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari." It is nice to see a healthy market of competition driving innovation in a market that has been largely stagnant in recent history. What do other folks see on the scorecard?

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