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Comment Re:Lowepro Fastpack 350 (Score 1) 282

I'm going to pile on here. I have a 15" HP laptop that fits in it, plus my Canon XSI, plus 4 lenses, plus flash, plus filters and other crap. I took it to Washington DC on a plane, fits in the over-head bin. This is my main photography pack. (I also have a much smaller sling bag from Lowepro). My pack has worked GREAT for me, for about 3 years now. It has fallen out of a car, more than once, and kept things safe. I really, REALLY can't recommend this bag enough.

Oh, and with their sling design, it is easy to get the camera out of, without putting the backpack down. Two things I wish it had. A waterproof cover, and a place to tie on a tripod. Oh, I will point out, I had this in a flooded vehicle as well, and it dried out easily, and has not shown any adverse effects of being half submerged in water. The one lens that WAS submerged with it... not so happy ending. :-(

Comment Re:Summary (Score 1) 175

Ok, I have more than one. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail... but Gmail is what I use as my email box. I have had it since I got an invite early on. I have had it longer than any ISP I have ever used. I DO own a few domains, but don't actually use them for email explicitly. From time to time. So, I could get around restrictions, but, if they don't let me use Gmail or maybe Hotmail, I won't use their service. I have yet to find any service online that was SO pressing, that I would work at getting another email address for them.

Comment This does seem a bit excessive. (Score 2) 112

This seems a little excessive to me. They recognized the problem, and took care of it, fairly quick. They didn't realize they had a problem on launch. It seems to MY eyes, that Google TRIES to do the right thing. Unlike Facebook, that does the wrong thing, until OVERWHELMING complaints roll things back. The privacy issues caused by the Buzz launch seemed to not big a big deal, except for a few outliers.

Comment Re:It's Called 'Experience'! (Score 3, Insightful) 609

Honestly, I have been completely passed by, because I don't have a degree. Having a degree in the IT field helps a lot. I have 16 years experience so that gives me MAJOR advantages over those just coming out of college. I am going to school now, part time to get my degree. When I get out, I will have over 20 years experience AND an IT degree. It is kind of the best of both worlds. I also know of at least one guy that is a very brilliant programmer that almost got let go from a company that was reorganizing, just because he didn't have a degree. A LOT of his co-workers lobbied to keep him on.

A degree gives you upwards mobility. That is pretty much it. It also lets you get your foot in the door. Everything else in the middle is up to who YOU are.

Comment Re:Don't you believe it. (Score 1) 538

He was there, legitimately. So, that argument doesn't have merit in this case. He mis-represented what his ULTIMATE goal was, but he went to the school, represented what he was going to do correctly, and followed through. It is what he did with the video AFTER, that is getting him in trouble. I am pretty sure that you can stand off of school grounds, and take pictures of kids playing. Now... someone will MOST LIKELY call the cops on you, quickly, but from my understanding, those kinds of actions are NOT illegal.

Comment Re:Fair is fair; + very real civil liability (Score 3, Insightful) 538

Generally, model releases are needed for pay. You can take a picture of anyone, as long as they do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy. A school is a public place, hence no real expectation for privacy. He just can't make money, directly, off of it. At least, that is how I have read the statutes to be.

They guy made a crude joke. WAY too many people have gone WAY overboard on this. Our society is being put into a straight jacket. Humor has ALWAYS had more wiggle room, than most other forms of speech. But, the way too important people are even stifling humor. It is really pathetic.

Comment I'm shaping my degree with this in mind. (Score 1, Offtopic) 370

I am going to college and getting an IT Management degree with an emphasis in development. I am getting a minor in Marketing, and will go on for a Master's in Business Administration. I will have been in IT between workstation, server, and network admin as well as web development for 20 years or more when I get my degree. I am trying to get myself in a position to be able to interface well with developers and pitch the cool stuff to upper management to get buy in. I should have the business credentials to get management's respect, while having the knowledge of the tech side to be a valuable interface between the two sides. At least, that is my vision, at this point. :-)

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