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Comment Re:Musk's Hubris... (Score 4, Informative) 253

The fire authority didn't blame the car. Here's the quote from the article:

The Fire Authority, however, released a report stating that the fire occurred "as a result of an electrical failure in the charging system for an electric vehicle".

Fire broke out in the garage on the campus of the University of California-Irvine on November 15. The blaze was noted by the car's owner just before 3 am, and it was promptly extinguished by fire crews.

The incident caused up to $25,000 of damage, though the Model S itself sustained only light smoke damage. Nobody in the house was injured.

While the Fire Authority's report stated the most likely cause was a "high resistance connection at the wall socket or the Universal Mobile Connector from the Tesla charging system", Tesla says its own data shows the car was charging normally, with no fluctuations in the temperature and no malfunctions capable of causing a fire.

Tesla also notes that the car's charging cable was fine where it was connected to the car, and was damaged only on the wall side. This could suggest issues with the building's electrical supply, rather than with the vehicle.

This doesn't completely rule out the charging system. The fire was started between the wall socket and the charger.

Comment Re:supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults (Score 4, Informative) 554

Wow....where do you live where junk food is cheaper than healthy, home cooked veggies, etc?
I cook most everything at home, and I've done it for awhile, even on very restricted budgets. But you have to buy raw ingredients (not preprocessed) and cut and cook them yourself.

There is no such thing as equal availability of food in the US. Please read up on the Supermarket Gap and how it affects the diets of the urban poor and minority areas:

Studies show that cost is the most significant predictor of dietary choices, so healthy eating is especially difficult for the poor, for whom healthier foods are generally unaffordable.[4] Meanwhile, supermarkets generally provide food at cheaper prices than the bodegas and pharmacies that service inner-city areas. A study that compared supermarkets, neighborhood groceries, convenience stores, and health food stores in San Diego, California found that supermarkets had twice the average number of 'heart-healthy' foods compared to neighborhood grocery stores and four times the average number of such foods compared to convenience stores.[5] In many American cities, an urban grocery gap has caused a lack of access to healthy foods, high prices for the healthy foods that are available, and the health problems that result from an unhealthy diet.

Comment Re:About time (Score 4, Insightful) 345

There's this comical belief that Congress should have the ability to approve of War Powers, which the constitution clearly states are those powers reserved to the President.

Actually the constitution gives congress the ability to declare war. You are actually thinking about the War Powers Resolution of 1973 which allows the president to have 48 hours to notify congress that he committed armed forces to military action and they can't operate more than 60 days without authorization from congress or a declaration of war.

Anyway the War Powers Resolution wasn't used to authorize the NSA to collect phone data. It was explicitly given by Section 215 of the USA Patriot Act of 2001. This surveillance program was enacted by congress and approved by the president. This is not a case of executive power being abused, instead this is an abusive law.

Comment Get the telecoms to spy for you. (Score 1) 509

1) Make the telecoms, ISPs, VOIPs, search companies, etc. liable for their technology being used to commit a terrorist attack.

2) Offer immunity from liability if they actively search for possible terrorists activity on the networks (They could probably do it better anyway).

3) Have an "electronic hotline" that make it possible for the carrier to report the suspicious activity.

4) Request warrants to follow leads produced from the hotline.

Hell Google and Facebook can spy on their customers all they want since the customers give them permission in order to use the service. Just make it cost effective for them to report criminal activity to the authorities.

Comment Re:i'll make sure my kids make lots of noise (Score 1) 513

My worst flight involved a severely obese man moving to the middle seat of my row to flirt with a blonde woman in the aisle seat. I thought I was going to be crushed against the window for most of the 2.5 hour flight. He would ignore my requests for more room and it seemed that after repeated requests he started to actively push against me. The only highlight of the flight was that the flight attendant looked away while I assaulted the man with my elbows.

Comment Re:Good morning Vietraq (Score 5, Insightful) 513

Which has already proven to be less harmful to the USA than when the DNC rammed Obamacare (is that "racist") through, without even reading it ("must vote for it, to see what is in it"). So far, Oregon spend 300 million to enroll 44 people, good FUCKING use of tax dollars.

You're kidding right? The amount of money we spent and the amount of interest we will pay to fund the two wars dwarfs any economic damage that Obamacare supposedly will cause. We won't know the final cost of the wars since we will be paying for the casualties that return home for quite a long time.

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