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Comment Re:Pulse Audio (Score 1) 460

Mmm. I'm still bitten every day by pulse problems, hate it intensely. However, I can't hate lennart for it, because as near as I can tell, IF you can get a distro that's done the packaging correctly AND you don't run into problems, it's amazing.

I just think it's nuts that I have a key-stroke to call pulse-audio --kill

An aside: Am I the only one who always preferred the BSD userland to the GNU/Linux?

Comment Re:I like this... (Score 1) 407

Unlimited access, and musician is anyone who makes music; They have to be the ones who are putting the music into their system (or their publishers/producers/record labels... if the publisher/producer/record label screws them, it's unfortunate, but also status quo. This kind of system would likely create more indie artists, which could be good or bad, who knows), otherwise it's illegitimate piracy.

Comment Re:Desperation (Score 1) 407

So is this better or worse then, for obscure artists? Are they going to monitor people's downloading to ensure proper distribution? Or is SOCAN just going to flat rate distribute to all it's members? Neither seems tenable nor acceptable (of course, I've a beef against SOCAN ever since they started going after coffee shops).

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