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Comment Re:Unfortunate Reality of Being a Linux User (Score 3, Funny) 518

Or the first thing you do when you plan to install linux - replace the hard disk with a fresh one. Then put the original one on a shelf until you either run out of warranty or return the computer.

This approach undermines the entire principle of Linux. The thing to do is exactly what this girl did... fight it.

Comment hmmmm (Score 3) 345

Why would Google need to screen every bit of content? A trust system with the uploader, user feedback(they already get), random sampling, and some automatic processes should cover this for a lot less than 37 billion.

btw... worst job in the world would be one where you had to watch non-stop youTube. I would hate to be the guy who got stuck looking at bot fly removals all day.

Comment Re:Is Iran really such a threat? (Score 2, Informative) 532

If they ever try anything like Pearl Harbor again they should be summarily eliminated from existence.

... So they poorly attack a military outpost and that gives us a reason to kill women, children, and old people. You are shit excuse of a human being.

Say the warcrimes in China and Korea that the Japanese committed, but Pearl Harbor...

Comment Re:Please moderate parent UP to offst moderator ab (Score 1) 532

Some moderator keeps moderating down as "Troll" everything I post

Slashdot could fix this. I'm guilty of being pissed off with modpoints (years ago) and it is too easy for a moderator to target an individual. Simply gauging moderator behaviors and applying some limits(max 1 mod per individual) would take care of this problem.

Comment Re:Is Iran really such a threat? (Score 1) 532

The devestation at Hiroshima and Nagasaki wasn't really much different than the firebombings of Tokyo by the U.S. or Dresden by the British, excepting for radiation sickness and long term cancers, but fire bombing led to burns that were pretty much as bad. The nukes just required fewer air planes to do the damage, but they were still massively expensive to make.

They are totally different.
The rivers don't boil with firebombing.
The moisture isn't sucked out of people that they are so thirsty that they jump into the boiling rivers.
Firebombs don't irradiate people.
Firebombs don't kill people weeks, months, years, decades later.

Visit Hiroshima and be humbled. They have a memorial that is a huge mound of human ashes.

Comment What we did (Score 1) 302

Wife's parents are in Japan. MacBooks on both ends. We ended up just using an end-table and placed the laptop on the top. When they can't move... it is easy to just point the screen at the baby. Those early years are more for the grandparents anyways. As they start to move, we kept the same setup and just used it as a lesson for the kid. "We don't push the buttons, we talk to grandma". It has been a challenge, but he quickly learned that that laptop doesn't yield anything useful.

Bonus: The laptop is agile so you can move it around the room, house as the kid moves. This interactive experience for the other side definitely makes it awesome.

Stone-Throwing Chimp Back In the News With Better Plan Screenshot-sm 235

sciencehabit writes "Three years ago, a stone-throwing chimpanzee named Santino jolted the research community by providing some of the strongest evidence yet that non-humans could plan ahead. Santino, a resident of the Furuvik Zoo in Gävle, Sweden, calmly gathered stones in the mornings and put them into neat piles, apparently saving them to hurl at visitors when the zoo opened as part of angry and aggressive 'dominance displays.' But some researchers were skeptical that Santino really was planning for a future emotional outburst. Now Santino is back in the scientific literature, the subject of new claims that he has begun to conceal the stones so he can get a closer aim at his targets—further evidence that he is thinking ahead like humans do."

Comment Re:two RJ-45 per room (Score 1) 402

If your backups to the server need gig-e, you're doing it wrong. Using rsync, I was able to backup 5GB of e-mail over an ADSL connection (12mbit) in 14 minutes, because it compresses everything.

Are you serious or just being funny? Text compresses well. Video does not. 5GB is nothing. I have more than 10 TB of video from favorite shows/movies, almost another TB in photos, and about 300 GB of ripped music.

And that data is completely new everyday? You can't steal, rip or buy movies faster than a Wi-Fi connection could back it up. The grandparent has it correct... Wi-Fi fits be bill for most home needs.

Comment Re:Portable half-rack (Score 1) 402

Portable is key when you want to resell your house. Unless you can find a like-minded nerd, anything screwed in to the walls is going to turn off buyers.

I think it depends on how it is installed. I used a rack in my old house for Audio/Video Equipment for the theater room. The door of the rack was framed so it acted like a cabinet. Perhaps this is why it took so long to sell my house:-P

Comment Re:This really is a bizare course of action for Or (Score 3, Informative) 175

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oracle Java isn't open source.

Straight from wikipedia:

On November 13, 2006, Sun released much of Java as free and open source software, (FOSS), under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). On May 8, 2007, Sun finished the process, making all of Java's core code available under free software/open-source distribution terms, aside from a small portion of code to which Sun did not hold the copyright.

Comment Re:One or two Questions... (Score 3, Informative) 117

Question is "have they changed this?"

Whats the bug number where they were notified. Why did they refuse to fix it?


AutoIt has been designed to work on Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows Server 2008/2008 R2, Microsoft Windows 7.

So you are complaining about an open-source development toolkit that supports every major OS and several Mobile OSs against a Windows-Only, proprietary application. I really don't think you are going to find many sympathizers here.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
