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Comment Google Y (Score 1) 58

"Proactive and preventative", eh. Let's say Google wants a larger percentage of the population
to be apt at programming. Would be nice to have a pill that would proactively and preventatively
aborts unneeded foetuses -- those with relatively limited perspective -- in Google's programmatic,
programmed, proactive, preventative world.

Comment Re:could be? (Score 1) 165

Good point.
I'm actually, seriously, convincedly, for it, and you can quote me on it. 'Force Majeure' -- in the interest of The People of the country, to save the country, its intrinsic values and such as ar laid out in their fundamental societal documents, so to speak; I bet the Constitution of many a so-called Western Democratic State would provide for something like that.

Comment Re:Not sure about this one (Score 1) 168

You miss the point.
Anyway, my dear, betrayed American friends. You are being fucked over by 'authorities' (can you btw. vote those out or is hanging them from lamp posts the only
way to a clean slate?), you're being shafted by your own countrymen more than you'll ever even be slightly bothered by lessay the Chinese.

Comment Testla meets Free Market (Score 3, Insightful) 256

The US has 'socialized' markets; most everything innovative is state subsidized (i.e. socialized: paid with your tax money) and state-protected (aerospace, oil, pharma, bio). Everything that's truly innovative, as in the "High Praise the US of A Land of Opportunity" (sure...), --achieved by personal struggle and personal enterprise--, that's who that famous Free Market is for.

Tesla should just wait and be embraced by GM, so they, GM, could either obtain heavy subsidies for it, or kill it off, whichever suits them best. Or, Tesla might move elsewhere, where the market operates similarly, but they don't lie about it calling it 'Free'.

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