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Comment Re:Hot New Enterprise Dev environment for '09 (Score 3, Interesting) 226

I use OpenSolaris for development on my ThinkPad T61 laptop and it's an excellent platform and ideal combination. For one required Windows development app (project dependent), I run XP as a VirtualBox VM and it works better and faster than if XP were installed to bare metal. ZFS is really slick. Turning ZFS compression=on means more laptop hard drive space AND faster performance since the HDDs are relatively slow (even my 320GB 7,200 rpm) and now having to read/write less to disk.

Sun's new packaging system, IPS, and the new repositories are growing with software selections and software is as easy to manage as Debian's apt-get.

Anyone here that thinks OpenSolaris will fail obviously hasn't used it. Give it a try and I bet a large portion of you Slashdot Linux zealots will move to OpenSolaris or at least give it the respect it deserves.

Comment Re:Selling point?? (Score 1) 226

What exactly is the selling point here? I can see how ZFS is enticing for servers, and perhaps a narrow range of power users, but most FOSS stuff is more work to install on Solaris (Open or otherwise).

Perhaps on a two-harddisk laptop ZFS is an interesting option.

You obviously have no idea what you are talking about or have never used OpenSolaris, ZFS, IPS, zones, SMF, or any of the enticing feature OpenSolaris possesses that Linux doesn't have. Besides, if nothing else, Toshiba selling an OpenSolaris laptop might not be the #1 choice for home users, but is at least an interesting alternative to larger corporate customers.

Comment Re:It's a true desaster. (Score 2, Informative) 366

CDE is still standard on Solaris (you can choose between CDE and GNOME at install time), which runs on SPARC and x86 systems.

True, but CDE is no longer supported on OpenSolaris; which is a much better choice for desktop user than Solaris 10. The upcoming OpenSolaris 2008.11 version, and update to OpenSolaris 2008.05 has many more improvements that make it a viable alternative to GNU/Linux on the desktop or laptop.

Comment Re:Video (Score 0, Troll) 326

Honestly? I've had problems with both ASRock and ASUS motherboards, generally to do with BIOS problems - all on Windows XP and Vista.

Sounds like you've already identified the cause of your problem as "Windows XP and Vista", not Asus!

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