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Journal Journal: QWERTY and unicode characters

I am French, and using a QWERTY keyboard. How to write characters like é, à, etc. and how to write specific unicode characters ?

I am not the only one to have this problems. All European people using a US keyboard have the same.
So I decided to solve it and I designed a keyboard with the following properties:


Submission + - Stable Open Source NTFS After 12 Years of Work

irgu writes: "Open source NTFS development started in 1995 by Martin von Loewis under Linux, which was taken over by Anton Altaparmakov in 2000. Two years ago Apple hired Altaparmakov to work on Mac OS X and made a deal with the team to relicense the code and return the new one, soonest in the spring of 2008. But the team also continued the work and Szabolcs Szakacsits announced the read/write NTFS-3G driver for beta testing last year. Only half year passed and NTFS-3G reached the stable status and has been already ported to FreeBSD, Mac OS X, BeOS, Haiku, 64-bit and big-endian architectures, and new CPU's!"

Submission + - The Future of Languages and Software Composability

LifeForm42 writes: Very interesting interview on Microsoft's Channel 9 with Anders Hejlsberg, Herb Sutter, Erik Meijer and Brian Beckman covering the future of programming languages and software composability. Seems like the trend for imperative languages is to become more functional in nature as a way to deal with concurrency and multi-core hardware innovations.

Submission + - How protect your new RFID Passports from stealing?

An anonymous reader writes: We've all heard that RFID passports (which every new passport will now be) are insecure and easily cloneable. So my questions to slashdotters: 1. Is it vulnerable in a pocket? 2. Can I protect it in a pocket? Pack it in metal? 3. Is there anything you can do to protect an RFID card/passport? A small keychain electronic that sends out a signal? What options are there?

Feed World Business Briefing: China: Intel Considers Building Chip Plant (

Intel is considering building its first semiconductor factory in Asia in the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian. China’s central government has approved the project, said Gao Fujun, assistant counsel at the Dalian Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau. An Intel spokesman, Mark Miller, said the company was in talks with several governments about its next chip factory. The company won approval to build a factory in the Dalian Economic and Technological Development Zone, Mr. Gao said. Intel has assembly and testing plants in Shanghai and Chengdu.

Submission + - Seamonkey 1.1 Released

stuuf writes: "Version 1.1 of the Seamonkey Internet Application Suite is now available, with quite a few improvements over the 1.0 series. Some of the new features include spell checking in form text areas, a new tagging system to classify email, a better indicator for secure web sites and preview images for browser tabs. This release also includes many of the updates that have gone into the Firefox 2 and Thunderbird 2 branches. Check out the release notes and download page for more."

Vendor AMD irons out the bumps in Dresden

AMD has begun outfitting its new Bump and Test facility in Dresden, all 20,000 square meters of it. Dr. Hans Deppe general manager of AMD in Dresden confessed he was, "amazed at the speed at which construction of the new clean room premises and supporting infrastructure has progressed." AMD's chip powerhouse in Dresden will have has some $8 billion spent on it by 2008. And the quicker it gets its two fabs on the site up an

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