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Comment Re:Real mature (Score 1) 785

I could use the same rationalization as to why I called kids names when I was in elementary school... but when you become an adult, you tend to realize that calling people/companies names is entirely juvenile and makes you come across as a tool.

But, hey, if you want to come across as an ass, by all means... just don't try to rationalize it to me.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Twitter 3

fyi - can't multiply cause of work, so I've become a twitter man... that's where I do my updating... if you twitter, my id is my last name...

Comment Re:Offense (Score 1) 26

My standard response to "good morning" is "Well. It is moring."

Mine is "What's so good about it??" But I can be a pessimist.

Having said that... Merry Christmas to you, too, RG...

Comment Ask them (Score 3, Interesting) 551

Best manager I ever worked under asked me my pain points, and what I wanted to do in the job and how I wanted to grow. He then proceeded to help me in those three areas.

That's it. Pretty simple, eh?

If they are seasoned, keep out of their way, help them when they are frustrated, and make sure they are doing stuff they enjoy and keep them happy. They find a new technology they want to use? You make sure they get the opportunity to use it. They want a managerial job? You make sure they get the classes/seminars/education/opportunities they need. Your job is simply to remove obstacles that get in there way...

Nobel Winner Says Internet Might Have Stopped Hitler 290

There can be little doubt that the internet has changed everyday life for the better, but Nobel literature prize winner Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio has upped the ante by saying an earlier introduction of information technology could even have prevented World War II. "Who knows, if the Internet had existed at the time, perhaps Hitler's criminal plot would not have succeeded — ridicule might have prevented it from ever seeing the light of day," he said. I have to agree with him. If England had been able to send a "Stop Hitler Now!" petition to 10 friendly countries, those countries could have each sent it to 10 more friendly countries before the invasion of Poland, and one of history's greatest tragedies might have been averted.

Comment Just a heads up (Score 1) 7

You do realize that fascism is an extreme conservative... communism is the extreme liberal.

Nazi's were ultra patriotic to a fault and Hitler took advantage of it.

Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine. For the record, my bias is not with liberals, as I'm a centrist with conservative leanings (I'm a fiscal conservative, mostly).

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