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User Journal

Journal Journal: August 4th, 2004

August 4th, 2004 (4:42pm)

-- Continuing on things about Okinawa --

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 3rd, 2004 2

August 3rd, 2004 (5:17pm)

A little more detail about the whole moving violation and all the crap that follows. When I say crap, actually, I am pretty serious about its crappiness - It reminds me of the where the turbulent cavity closure in a forced supercavitation device: it's a tail of long nastiness.

User Journal

Journal Journal: August 2nd, 2004

August 2nd, 2004 (7:07pm)

The weekend was not especially exciting but was somewhat interesting, on my day trip to Tokyo.

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 30th, 2004

July 30th, 2004 (5:25pm)

Wow I have been busy lately.

A little hiccup that had occured is that I am again trudging in the terrible aftermath of the traffic violation a while back. They took exactly 3 monthes to process the violation - though the actual amount of the fine is still unknown.

But that's maybe later.

Rewinds timeframe to the time between coming down from Mt. Fuji and going to Okinawa, the few very brief moments between one trip and the other.

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 27th, 2004

July 27th, 2004 (3:51pm)

-- This better be the last time I continue for the Mt. Fuji subject --

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 26th, 2004

July 26th, 2004 (5:12pm)

-- and continuing, once more --

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 22nd, 2004

July 22nd, 2004 (3:37pm)

-- continuing --

When I say that the mountain does not welcome the hikers, I really mean it. Mt Fuji has this awsome ability that the wind is blowing against you regardless of which direction you are going - it's like the mountain is trying its best to make sure you can't get to where you want to go. On the hike up I was blown off balance at least three times, and one such time almost fell off to a bitter demise. Fear the f* mountain.

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 21st, 2004

July 21st, 2004 (7:04pm)

Late again.

Mt. Fuji is one of those definitive things about japan. Natually, being both the tallest mountain on the island country and yet not-all-that-tall, lots of people thinks that climbing it is a good endeavour. I was one of those people.

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 20th, 2004 1

July 20th, 2004 (3:09pm)

I suppose I won't get much work done today, as there are hundreds of email to read through and even more spam - after 10 days of inactivity they can certainly accumulate! Through the same ten days the amount of things I can / want to write has also filled the "to-be-written" cache several times over and I really wish I had the energy to keep this journal going through every evening.

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 9th, 2004

July 9th, 2004 (5:10pm)

Tomorrow we (so far 10, but if it rains maybe down to... me?) embark on a trip to climb Mt Fuji. After that it's four days in Okinawa and four days in Hokkaido - I return to Tokyo between the two but only spends six hours in the airport. I suppose it is analogous to expresso as a type of coffee: It's still coffee, but knocks you out.

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 8th, 2004

July 8th, 2004 (5:02pm)

My company, being japanese, spends quite little on the way of office furniture compared to US companies. For example, I would seriously not ever expect the cube farm of any japanese company (prove me wrong) would shell out the dough for a fleet of Aeron chair like Blue Cross Blue Shield does.

User Journal

Journal Journal: July 7th, 2004

July 7th, 2004 (4:44pm)

I think every japanese kitchen sink comes with a japanese kitchen sink strainer. They are cylindical are sizewise should fit a baseball perfectly. The problem with these is that regardless what kind of cleaner you use, they always end up very nasty after a few monthes, and for its prevention I have began to use a disposable filter that goes inside the strainer, much like those paper coffee filters but with lower flow restriction. Above the strainer is a cover (mi

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