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Comment In theory, yes. In practice, no. (Score 1) 301

Reverse DNS makes absolute sense as a means to counter spam, but the reality I've experienced is that there are too many IT admins that don't even know what a PTR record is, and since they don't experience an issue with all of their mail recipients, they assume it's an unnecessary step, even when you try to explain that it with a sock puppet show.

Comment This really isn't hard to parse. (Score 1) 125

On the other hand, did the B&N spokesman clarify how removing books from sale helps B&N to fulfill the prose "to make available any book, anywhere, anytime"? Surely its counter productive to that promise?

By definition of the exclusivity deal, B&N can't make the e-book version of the book available, and so if they're literally unable to make that version of the book available, how could they honestly say that they can make the "book available [on the nook], anytime"?

Comment Re:Listen goof: What gave you the idea (Score 1) 373

Apparently you can't answer easy, simple questions. I realize that you're posting as AC, but could you provide me with the state that you live in so that I can direct you to your state's Department of Developmental Services, so that they can help you learn the art of responding to easy questions? With any luck, they can team you up with a second grader who can teach you how to respond to sentences that end with question marks: "?".

Comment Re:Welll (Score 1) 373

Well here's a thought: what's easier, maintaining your own weather information, or tapping into a resource that already provides that information so that you don't have to duplicate the effort? Are you seriously that retarded that this confuses you? Am I talking to a retarded person? If so, congrats on figuring out how to post on slashdot; there's a good chance that you could be an editor in no time.

Comment Uh, fire timothy? (Score 0) 763

Personally, I'm amused by one of the worst of the current crop of slashdot editors asking for input on what the problem with slashdot is; you are, timothy, you absolutely suck as an editor. Slashdot would be better if you were fired: your one and only job is to edit summaries into a form that provides pertinent information that the submitter didn't provide. You constantly fail at your one -- and only -- job. Whether it be this current posting in which you think that providing a link to the topic you're writing about is "(just [...] be[ing] heavy handed) ", or as an example from a submission today, in which you posted: "Indian Mathematician Rohit Gupta (known by the moniker @fadesingh on twitter) has announced an online workshop which he intends to 'conclude by attacking an important problem in front of (the participants), in public view.' The problem is the Riemann Hypothesis, first proposed in 1859." without using the summary to summarize what in the fuck the Riemann Hypothesis is, and why the shit we should care about it.

You have no barometer that tells you when information is relevant, or when more information is necessary. You're a complete failure at this job, you're ineptitude makes the reader have to do more work, so please do us a favor and quit, and if you don't quit, I hope your superiors read this post and understand that you should be fired.


Help Shape the Future of Slashdot 763

Long-time readers will know that we try not to clutter the front page of Slashdot with much stuff about the site itself; this is a rare exception, but we hope you'll like the reason: we want your opinions. You should see above a link to take a survey about Slashdot, and (just to be heavy handed) here's the direct link. The questions there are simple, but we're going to read the answers carefully. The reminder bar up there will remain active for some time, but this story will scroll down the page like all Slashdot stories. Comments are welcome below; surveys have their limitations, after all, but please don't comment without also giving the survey a visit — if it makes sense, feel free to cut-and-paste any answers from there as comments, too. The engineers who build this site (and the editors, too!) are counting on your honest opinions and hoping for some great ideas; ideas outnumber the hours we have to do things, so we hope you'll make a case for the ways that Slashdot should change (and the ways it shouldn't!).

Comment "the average winter storm on the Oregon Coast" (Score 0) 426

Dear numbnuts (and I have no choice, but to assume that you are literally so stupid, that your nuts have gone numb as an involuntary, biological reflex, that is tasked with preventing your stupidity from polluting future generations),

In regard to your criticism [that it]:

Turned out that the winds barely kept up with the average winter storm on the Oregon Coast, at least according to their 'on location' wind speed reports that scrolled along.

Please explain how the windspeed of "the average winter storm on the Oregon Coast" has fuckall to do with the average windspeeds as experienced by the East Coast (and the regulations guiding the engineering of their infrastructure), along with how winterstorms -- which generally result in exhibiting snowfall -- has fuckall to do with the rainfall produced by summer storms.

Additionally, please discuss (with examples) tools that should have been used as a means of providing an accurate prediction of expected windspeeds: 48 hours, 36 hours, 24 hours, and 12 hours in advance of the storm making landfall.

Answers to essay questions may be provided in as many words as the student requires in order to answer the question with full intellectual honesty, along with proof that they're not an armchair, hind-sighted, fucking idiot.

Comment You better get NASA on the horn (Score 5, Informative) 134

Repeat after me..... JWSB != Hubble successor

I hate to "steam" you even more, but NASA disagrees with your "JWSC !- Hubble successor" belief.

Webb often gets called the replacement for Hubble, but we prefer to call it a successor. After all, Webb is the scientific successor to Hubble; its science goals were motivated by results from Hubble. Hubble's science pushed us to look to longer wavelengths to "go beyond" what Hubble has already done. In particular, more distant objects are more highly redshifted, and their light is pushed from the UV and optical into the near-infrared.

...which is the first paragraph on their page addressing whether or not Webb is Hubble's successor. I don't mean to imply that they're an authoritative voice or anything on the subject, but surely their opinion should be weighed into your semantics argument?

Comment Just tell Romney that it'll be able to see Kolob (Score 1) 134

and he'll put funding for it as the first item on his presidential agenda. Word on the Hill is that the jobs plan Romney's announcing in September involves putting a sizable number of Americans to work building his spaceship so that he can scope out an appropriate location for his galactic rule; funding for a measly telescope seems like a natural fit, no?

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