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Alternative Mobile Browsers Tested For Speed, Usability, JavaScript Rendering 103

CNETNate writes "Do Opera Mobile, Skyfire, or Mozilla's Fennec have the power to take down the BlackBerry browser, IE on Windows Mobile, or Safari on the iPhone? This lengthy test aimed to find out. Speed, Acid3 compliance, JavaScript rendering capabilities, and general subjective usability were all tested and reviewed. So were Opera Mini and the default Symbian browser, but these two were unable to complete some of the tests and benchmarks."

Comment braneworlds: mass = extra dimension (Score 1) 199

classical physics = 3 space dimensions relativistic physics = 4 dimensions (space+time) braneworld physics = 5 dimension (space+time+mass) The holy grail of modern theoretical physics is the unification of quantum and relativistic theory. A key idea here is the possibility that there might be extra, hard-to-perceive dimensions. The braneworld theory say that the extra dimension is mass, so the mass of elementary particles might actually be fluctuating, if ever so slightly. Mass dynamics! Who knows, these ultra fine mass experiments may give us a way to test some of these crazy theories.

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