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Comment Re:Humans like Human Pilots (Score 1) 137

I'm working a very fast cargo transport UAV for DoD that, after cargo delivery to the soldiers, has enough capacity to hold several people. It will have no pilot or joystick, rather flying blind like a cruise missile to its next waypoint.

Now tell me that if you are combat wounded or reacting to a poisonous snake bite, you'd rather wait for medical treatment via the next piloted lift dispatched once/or if it's safe enough for them? I predict MASH-style evacuations will happen sooner than later.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Zheng He 2

Zheng He. Yeah. Pretty convenient. Ships burned, so no archeological evidence is available. Records burned, so no historical evidence. A complete lack of meaningful records from Europeans or Indians. And Xerxes moved two million men into Greece.

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