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Comment Re:Threadjacking to say this up front: (Score 1) 275

Nothing has been proven yet, but oh boy! am I looking forward to the investigation. Today, Breitbart started throwing some of his co-conspirators under the bus, by leaking some emails. He KNOWS this is going to end badly, and he is trying to his ass.

I want to see the hacker in prison because he is a criminal, as opposed to being merely a member of another political party.

Comment No, a setup by Andrew Breitbart (Score 2) 275

The young woman in question is a hard core leftist and absolutely enamored with Anthony Weiner, jokingly claiming he (among a number of lefty politicians) is her boyfriend although they have never met. That was why she was chosen by Breitbart and his accomplices for this smear of Weiner. Jon Stewart said on The Daily Show last night (and the night before) that he roomed with Weiner in college and Weiner's wiener is not that big. Today, yfrog disabled the email submission system due to a known bug that was used to hack Wiener's account. The user who started the smear somehow knew about the posting immediately, even though he is not a follower of either Weiner or the woman's twitter feed. The metadata in the image does not match any camera Weiner owns.

Remember, this all comes from serial liar Andrew Breitbart, the man who got Shirley Sherrod fired for no reason. Weiner is pushing for investigation of Supreme court Clarence Thomas for tax evasion and failing to report that his wife received hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby against the Affordable Care act. That is the real reason the right wants to destroy him. This smear has been in planning for several months.

Comment Re:Summary: he's not handling it right (Score 1) 275

The yfrog account was hacked, it has been demonstrated that their email picture submission system is insecure, and in addition, it automatically tweets when a picture is published. Yfrog took down the email submission system today. Weiner has engaged a lawyer and is pressing for a full investigation. Hopefully, serial liar Andrew Breitbart and his accomplices will be hit with a hefty fine and/or doing some jail time.

Comment Threadjacking to say this up front: (Score 2) 275

It was NOT Weiner's wiener. Jon Stewart, who roomed with the guy in college, said on The Daily Show,m that Weiner's package is NOT that large. Of course, having a less than impressive package, Weiner might claim that it could be his enormous package in the picture. But look at the known facts: this was publicized by serial liar Andrew Breitbart. The user who brought this to Breitbart's attention has an unhealthy fixation on Weiner, and has stated his desire to destroy the man. It has been demonstrated exactly how the yfrog account was compromised, and just today, yfrog disabled the email submission system that allowed the picture to be posted to Weiner's account.

Most importantly, Weiner is pushing hard for an investigation of Supreme Court justice Thomas's tax evasion and refusal to report the money his wife received to lobby against the Affordable Care act. This right wing smear job is a transparent ploy to throw the media off that trail and make Weiner look bad.

There WILL be a criminal investigation, and the culprits will almost certainly be brought to justice, this time they went too far, and the FBI is involved. I, for one, would love to see Breitbart in prison.

Comment Re:Obligatory Clarification (Score 1) 427

That's alright, it was bordering on ad hominem, and might legitimately be called a case of 'poisoning the well.' But we actually must take the original poster's main point on faith, that it still 'just works.' An by 'taking it on faith' I mean we must believe it despite the valid, factual evidence that it just DOESN'T work.

Comment Re:Obligatory Clarification (Score 1) 427

Oh palegray, I just can't help myself. It's a weakness. A personal failing. I see a story about Macintoshes and I have to troll it. I've got nothing against Apple. Great brand. I learned the WIMP interface on a Mac Plus with dual floppies. It's the Apple users. Outside of the Christian religion, I have never met a group of people who were, at the same time, so very smugly superior, and yet so full of feelings of persecution. That combination is like waving a red cape in front of my face. It's like Apple users wander around thinking, "Everyone hates me because I'm better than them."

Comment Re:Obligatory Clarification (Score 1) 427

It is NOT an ad hominem. Learn your terminology. First, It was not a personal attack. Second, his username is relevant because it indicates his bias. Third, I'm not saying what to make of that information. I'm not saying "Don't trust this guy." For all I know, you feel that an apple fanatic is MORE trustworthy.

Comment Re:I guess I just won't buy stuff online anymore. (Score 3, Informative) 454

And the power they have amassed would just go away if the government did? Fat. Fucking. Chance. Tell you what, go back to the fifteen hundreds and tell the Dutch that corporations are a bad idea.

The thing is, without the government, corporations would have MORE power, as there would be no one to limit their power. Right now, government is a check on corporate power. Get rid of government, and corporations won't go away. Who will make them? Who will say that what they are doing, and the way they are organized, is wrong or illegal? No one. You think it takes a government to make a corporation? How so? Without government, we wouldn't even have the limits that are set by a corporate charter. You don't need a government to have corporations. All governments do is LIMIT corporations, not create them. What do you think corporate law is? You don't get rid of corporations by getting rid of the laws which govern them.

Welcome to the idiocy of libertarianism, where consequences don't matter because we all have free will and personal responsibility and we just need to believe real hard and clap our hands together and tinker bell will come back to life.

Comment Re:Obligatory Clarification (Score -1, Troll) 427

Some objectivity would help rather than the girlish squealing of little linux fanboys.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I care about anything but making thin skinned mac users unhappy. Fuck the tech, this is about pissing off whiny little fanboys. So, thanks for giving me what I wanted. Not that I respect you for doing so, just the opposite in fact. HAND.

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