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Comment Re:The Business Glass Alliance Announces (Score 2, Funny) 277

Despite my efforts, my hole had no value. In fact, it had negitave value, as the city came in one day to fill it

Au contraire!
It sounds like you digging a hole like that created more work for the city who had to fill it in.
So if everybody did that, lots of jobs would have to be created to fill them in.

Comment Re:Location (Score 1) 750

My iPod Touch (1st gen) is able to locate me within about 50-100 meters of my actual location just from wifi information. It's actually quite impressive.

Yeah, but in case it's not able to find your location using the wifi, the feature is just annoying.

Comment Re:It happened on Patch Tuesday. (Score 2, Insightful) 256

I wonder if there is any correlation between the number of PCs that crashed and the number of PCs set to automatically download and install patches

Sounds like it happened on reboot of these machines, which could imply that patch installation is responsible for the timing (if it mandated a reboot), but not necessarily for the cause.

Comment Re:It's Easy (Score 2, Insightful) 483

This is very true as far as the delivery date for the application/component. However, estimation is not used for determining the ship date of your software, dates and such comes from marketing.
Estimation is used to determine how many subtasks/features that can be done within the given time so that you can scope out features that won't make from the very beginning.


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