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Comment Re:Couldn't I just do this with a RAM cache? (Score 1) 189

This doesn't help you when you need:

1: Access to a file or files totaling more than 64 GB (or however much ram you have for caching)
2: Files not yet cached

Neither does a 64GB SSD, brainiac.

Hey dipshit, I have a newsflash for you: They have 500 GB SSD drives. 128GB SSD drives are under a $100 now a days.

Buy a clue before posting, idiot. You fucking moron.

Comment Re:Context (Score 1) 448

The law does not allow one to discriminate upon certain grounds even if it is the most efficacious choice.

But that is not what you said. Let me requote you again:

My argument is that a perfectly neutral American accent is not absolutely necessary to teach children.

Your assertion is that an American accent is not absolutely necessary to teach children. Your argument makes no mention of moral or ethical implications, only that a neutral American accent is not absolutely necessary. I pointed out that the argument for it is based off what is most efficacious, not what is ethical or moral. You were not arguing the moral or ethical implications in your post, only what is absolutely necessary.

But, if you want to bring the moral and ethical side into it, what is the definition of absolutely necessary? I would say the efficiency of learning and providing the greatest amount of good to the greatest amount of people would qualify as "absolutely necessary." If your definition of "absolutely necessary" is "whatever works well enough to get by," then I would like to point out that is exactly the reason our education system is in such decline. It is exactly that line of reasoning that our public school system is in such sorry, pathetic shape.

No child left behind.
Cater to the lowest common denominator.
Teach to the test.

We hamstring and neuter our education system so that we do not trample on the sensitive feelings of those that can't or won't keep up or make accommodations for the culture they have decided to be a part of. When I move to other countries (or even just travel) I make every effort to conform to local customs, traditions and even language. I do not (Yeah, I know, rare for an American) try to force my language or ideals on my host culture. I listen to how they speak and I try to imitate it as best I can. I very seriously dislike the "polite" people that will not correct me when I make a mistake - I want to be corrected, I want to understand and I want to be understood. No person in a foreign (to them) culture should strive for anything less. To not do so is not only rude but the height of arrogance.

Comment Re:Context (Score 1) 448

My argument is that a perfectly neutral American accent is not absolutely necessary to teach children.

I don't think this is about what is absolutely necessary, but what is the most efficacious. There can really be no argument that teaching in a neutral "accent" is the most efficacious for the most number of people. Other issues not withstanding.

Comment Re:Context (Score 2) 448

if you the rest of the world all spoke the Queens sodding English as we taught it to you, Then there wouldnt be a problem.

Yes there would, we'd have already used up all the supply of vowels buried in the ground. We're really close to peak vowel consumption now... if we had been using the Queens English from the get-go, all those extra vowels we'd have been using would have consumed the supply long ago.

You Limey's should be thanking us for allowing you to continue in your wanton use of superfluous vowels. Letting you live in the lap of vowel luxury while we labor under the sharp lash of the consonant, with no soft, fluffy vowels to make our lives as easy as yours.

Comment Re:Couldn't I just do this with a RAM cache? (Score 1) 189

Modern operating systems do that automatically anyway, as long as there's free RAM. It'd probably be less expensive to add another 32-64GB of RAM to your PC, than it would be to buy dedicated hardware to do that job.

This doesn't help you when you need:

1: Access to a file or files totaling more than 64 GB (or however much ram you have for caching)
2: Files not yet cached

Mostly I'm thinking games is where FS caching is less than optimum, since some of the resource files can easily exceed the amount of system memory available and if you like being competitive, the faster you load the game the better... and the FS cache won't help you there.

You also run into the problem of most motherboards don't support more than 8 GB (for older MB's), 16 GB for semi-newer MB or 32GB for some of the newest boards. Only a select few will support more than 64GB and those are the expensive boards, but to be fair most anyone considering an SSD purchase and/or 64 GB of RAM is likely to have a board like that anyway.

I run 24 GB on my system, and I don't see the FS cache filling up available RAM like I think it should. I'm not sure if that means I'm using less than 24 GB of data regularly (unlikely, since I play a lot of games and do large photo work), or the FS caching isn't designed around caching that much data and kind of tapers off after 8 or 10 GB.

Comment Re:Surely... (Score 1) 409

The best euthanasia would be being trampled to death by a harem of attractive woman.

Might need something work for women and people who don't like women; and its not as painless, but it'll be awesome.

I'm thinking this is fairly easy to accomplish. Just go marry several attractive women, promise them things their heart desires, gather them all in one room and tell them it was a joke and you married all of them at the same time just to be a dick. I suspect trampling is going to be in your future.

Comment Re:Why? Bitcoin and Slashdot? (Score 1) 258

Ahh so you are unable to refute it and instead belittle it and use revisionist history to claim you didn't REALLY mean there was no economy, but you REALLY meant a POOR economy. WTG!

You are such an idiot. It would be impossible to satisfy your criteria since it would continually change, just like every other person who argues on the internet and loses. Way to be unique, just like everyone else.

Comment Re:From irrelevant to obsolete in one fell swoop? (Score 1) 258

Actually it's pretty clear you have no idea what you are talking about, and have not been keeping up with current events, at all.

Drugs and the silk road are a big thing with bitcoins. Most of the rest of what can be bought with them is various forms of hosting. There are very, very few real-world goods that they are useful for.

Since I've already provided you with links to show that what you are saying is complete and utter bullshit, I won't provide them here again. It's very, very clear that you have absolutely no idea about anything you're talking. You keep spouting this nonsense and are unable to provide a shred of evidence to back up anything you say, whereas I have provided you with several links and can provide hundreds more to backup what I say. You are just pulling it out of your ass and hoping people believe you.

Eclipse MC generates bitcoins, not dollars, from a quick reading of that site. I see nothing there about directly earning non BTC currencies.

Again, this shows how unintelligent and misinformed you are. You are even incapable of reading that Eclipse MC pays out in PPUSD as well as BTC. It's pretty obvious on the site.

You are woefully misinformed about the exchange and other site stuff. Let's see -

Again, you show how ignorant you are: Lets see indeed:

Mt Gox. hack

Yep, your one and only example.

Mybitcoin hack/fraud (was that resolved?)

Not an exchange.

Tradehill/Dwolla chargeback fraud

This is a Dwolla issue, not a Tradehill issue. It has nothing to do with BTC other than the fact that it happened to be BTC that brought this to light. It could just have easily been any other currency. disappeared overnight.

And then came back. Although I will grant you this was also sketchy, score one out of 100 for you, yay!

And as for features, well one of the features I actually like about htings like credit cards is chargeback, as a consumer, so biitcoin loses out as a method of exchange on that.

So what? One of the things I like about cash is that I don't have to provide personal details for the transaction. It's also one of the things I like about BTC. So Credit Cards lose out as a method of exchange on that.

And another thing is the deflationary nature of it - I fundamentally disagree that this is a good thing.

Again, so what? Your already obviously misinformed "opinions" of everything else BTC related are suppose to provide what in the terms of credibility for this? That's right, absolutely zero. You can't even get basic facts about BTC straight, why on earth should anyone listen to you about something as complex as deflationary currencies?

So I suggest that you are the one that's uninformed and trying to whitewash. Accuse me of being a bitcoin hater all you like, but uninformed I am not.

Suggest all you want but you are obviously, clearly and demonstrably wrong on nearly EVERY SINGLE POINT you've made in this post and others. You've provided absolutely nothing to back up your claims and your claims have been and can continually be shown to be 100% incorrect, yet you persist. Again, it either makes you incredibly stupid or you just want to spread FUD.

Comment Re:From irrelevant to obsolete in one fell swoop? (Score 1) 258

Well people will stop posting against bitcoin as soon as stupid bitcoin propaganda stops showing up on slashdot.

Post against it all you want... just stop lying about it to bolster your flawed arguments.

Stop reading the articles if you don't like them. Why are you even posting in this thread if you aren't interested in Bitcoin?

Comment Re:Why? Bitcoin and Slashdot? (Score 1) 258

Oh I dunno, maybe if the most of the people who are actually enthusiasts (see bitcoin forums for instance) used it to buy and sell something other than Euro or USD that would be a start.

At the moment actual purchases are rare so far as I can tell, most of the adherents seem to be hoarding in anticipation of a perpetually rising value. There is a large transaction volume daily, but it's the exchanges that drive it.

And you, once again, woefully misinformed, stupid or intentionally spreading FUD. I honestly can't tell which, but probably a lot of the second, some of the first and a bit of the last thrown in for good measure.

Comment Re:From irrelevant to obsolete in one fell swoop? (Score 1) 258

This is exactly the problem with BitCoin: you can't actually use it as a currency. You have to liquidate it in order to spend it, meaning that you have to treat it as an asset rather than a currency. However, as an asset it has no intrinsic value because you can't do anything with it except trade it.

By this logic, you can't buy anything with Paypal either, yet somehow Paypal manages to survive.

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