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Comment Re:Sure, let someone else be the gatekeeper (Score 1) 162

If the average person who futzes around with Windows can't run Linux Mint, they're being deliberately obtuse. Or they're stupid.

Say my roommate wants me to load MP3s onto her iPhone. I haven't figured out how to do that other than through iTunes for Windows, which does not run in Wine, or Finder for macOS. Am I "deliberately obtuse" or "stupid"?

Comment What instead of iOS or Android with Google Play? (Score 1) 162

Even more regrettably, it seems almost all free-software advocates I have known are mindlessly following along instead of rejecting such absurdly invasive Big-Brother brain-damaged computers under the euphemisim of "smart something."

Which handheld computer with a cellular radio that respects users' freedom is compatible with U.S. mobile networks? Last I checked, things like the Fairphone were made for the European market, with no attempt to get onto Verizon's or AT&T's allowlist.

Comment And lose Internet for the rest of the month (Score 3, Insightful) 110

20-30 MB of downloads happen in a flash on modern broadband anyways so I don't see this as a problem.

20 to 30 MB per page in a flash is a good way to blow through your monthly mobile Internet data transfer quota in a day, leaving you without mobile Internet access for 29 days until your cap resets.

Comment Then just block corporate websites (Score 1) 110

Since ads pay for the pages, I am not sure what we can really do.

Some hardliners on this site have recommended that viewers stop patronizing websites run as a business and start patronizing more websites run by the public sector, by charities, or by enthusiasts as a hobby out of said enthusiasts' own pocket. What makes this practical or impractical?

Comment Non-Gmail Google Accounts on Android since 2012 (Score 1) 90

Google Play Services on Android required a Gmail account prior to about 2012. Logging in with a Google Account at a non-Gmail domain produced an error message " does not use Gmail" with an offer to create a new Gmail account. Since Android Market was renamed to Google Play Store, any Google Account has been usable, even Google Accounts associated with a non-Gmail address.

Comment It's for portability (Score 1) 113

Nor do the alleged "lazy computer users of today" have to endure "Sorry, this application isn't available for your device's operating system yet" while waiting for the application to become popular enough for the application's publisher to make five different versions for five different operating systems.

In the alternative: How common is it for people to carry both an Android-powered phone to run native apps from Google Play Store and an iPhone to run native apps from Apple's App Store?

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