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Comment Re:You disgust me. (Score 1) 861

Once British forces left the region and the Arabs attacked Israel, the partition plan became irrelevant and the division of the country was to be decided according to the outcome of the war. And yes, losing a war means losing the territory from which you attacked. The Arabs have no one to complain to but themselves. Perhaps in your view Israel should have surrendered instead of defending itself?

It's interesting that Egypt is also blockading Gaza but no one is complaining about them or shooting rockets at Cairo?

Comment Re:You disgust me. (Score 1) 861

Yes, but under various different regimes, none of which were Arab. Living somewhere doesn't automatically grant political power over that territory, and the political powers decided to divide the territory among the two peoples inhabiting the area; a plan that was, as mentioned, rejected by the Arabs who wanted everything.

Comment Re:You disgust me. (Score 1) 861

What do you mean "their land"? The land wasn't theirs, not then and not ever! The Arabs were choosing between accepting the partition plan and "driving the Jews into the sea" and they chose the latter and failed. Everything we know today is a consequence of that choice and subsequent failure to execute it.

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