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Comment he has several pending charges... (Score 1) 279

... and to get away with them changed the judges and the constitution... there is a popular italian blog being translated in english, one of the most popular blogs in the world actually.

he is a comician, his tones are satira, humor is one of the last things left to italians to stand such a corrupted government.


Submission + - Can online storage of passwords be secure? (

jaromil writes: "The recently acclaimed Passpack startup company offers an online password manager that "Saves Time and Protects You From Theft", using an implementation of AES encryption in javascript language at the core of their service. Still I'm curious (and skeptical) about what hackers will say: can it be secure to store passwords online?"

Submission + - Microsoft investing in "open source" labs (

jaromil writes: "Following up its cozing up to OSCON, now Microsoft is launching its first "open source" lab in the Philippines, paying for a huge media coverage. From the press release it seems they are also advertising the issue of "interoperability" to outnumber one of the strongest features of open source in Asia: recycling old computers. Any suggestions for good stories about MS interoperability so far? :)"

Submission + - Bloggers arrested in Egypt (

jaromil writes: "I'm just back from Egypt, where on 6 of April a peaceful strike against the rise of food prices has been organized without any party or union, just using sms, twitter, facebook and blogs. Out of several arrests in the street (up to 500, with 2 deads in Mahalla), 7 are people persecuted for their "activity on the Internet". Keep an eye on blog for updates."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Police arrest teen for "virtual furniture" (

ekes writes: "According to the German Press Agency (DPA) Dutch police have arrested a teenager and are questioning four more about the "theft" of "virtual furniture" from the online Habbo Hotel
A police spokesman said the suspects will be charged on two accounts: hacking and burglary.

English report on Expatica"

Social Networks

Submission + - Ron Paul's use of the Internet in his presidential

tres3 writes: "A recent New York Times article explores some of the success that Ron Paul's presidential campaign has had in using the Internet. The author correctly states that others aren't as successful because their approach led many to micromanage their Web sites. By contrast, [Ms. Teachout] said, the Paul campaign took the opposite lesson that it was about openness and power. He has over 1140 MeetUp Groups in 900 cities (including one in the green zone in Baghdad) that have operated largely independently from the campaign.

For instance the ThisNovember5th site was setup by Trevor Lyman using a video created by James Sugra without even consulting the campaign. That site brought in $4.3M from 37,000 donors in 24 hours. Mr. Paul estimated that the one-day haul had brought $10 million worth of free publicity. Ron said he hadn't even gotten around to thanking them yet. THANKS Guys!! There is a new money bomb web site being prepared now in celebration of the Boston Tea Party

The article goes on to cover the wide variety of supporters that the Paul campaign has attracted. In reality Dr. Paul didn't create these groups; he simply gave them a focal point to rally behind. And he used the Internet to unite them, or more accurately, the users of the Internet found his message and united themselves behind it. I guess that is why the author titled the article 'The Web Finds Ron Paul, and Takes Him for a Ride'."

Submission + - Ron Paul sets record $4.3 M in online fundraising

rebmaster writes: "Sure, Ron Paul stories tend to be over-submitted (and occasionally over-hyped). But this is real, BIG news.

In one day (Nov. 5th) — Ron Paul has raised over $4,200,000.00 — mostly by online direct donations from over 37,000 individual donors. (These are not "pledges" — it is "money in the bank.")

Paul's total deposed Mitt Romney as the all-time single-day fundraising record holder in the Republican presidential field.

There's a lot of Internet major media news postings about it, but they tend to be inaccurate and/or biased. (Typical!)
The AP story is one of the more accurate."

Submission + - A Breath of Fresh Air from Europe

Tom Russell writes: "Amidst the patent doom and gloom from America, a breath of fresh air arrives from Europe in the form of version 2.3 of the dynebolic distro from

"Dyne:bolic is being developed since more than 5 years and optimized to run also on older machines commonly found in Africa America Asia Europe and Oceania. It includes code from hundreds of programmers all around the world, with a lively community of artists, teachers and developers who use, distribute and adapt this platform according to their needs and desires.

This operating system is a grassroot effort to share independent knowledge, it keeps away from commercial speculations and capitalist corporations, because CREATIONS WANT TO BE FREE.

Starting from this release dyne:II core runs efficiently on solid state devices, loading its system from a compact-flash or similar controller. It has been tested on some embedded setups with extremely good results in terms of speed and power saving. Moreover, this release significantly improves stability and performance, running on a brand new 2.6.18 kernel optimized for low latency realtime. New and updated software include: VNC for remote desktop operation and recording, MPlayer and ffmpeg audio/video codecs, DVD recording tools, Ksubtitle editor, FUSE and pcmcia card autodetection."

That's what I like about Linux. There's always something fantastically innovative and free happening in some corner of the world despite the best efforts of predatory capitalistic organisations."

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