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Comment Fond memories of never running Windows 95 and up (Score 1) 461

Some time before Win95 came out I had already switched to OS/2, which I kept using far beyond 2000 upto the moment that I switched to Linux. When Apple OSX was released I switched to that fairly quick.

Neither OS/2 nor Linux was ideal, but it made me so happy not to have to use Win95 (and up).

For my work I mainly used the command line, and my servers ran OS/2 and Linux as well (DB/2 and Java), so that turned out pretty good.

People tended to laugh at me for being so recalcitrant with my OS choice. Yet I managed to reach financial independence in doing so. And I tend to believe that choosing my OS had unimportant role in that because we depended on speed and uptime for our business.

Therefore I want to thank Microsoft in retrospect for showing me how bad they sucked at OS development and innovation during my use of Windows 3.0 and 3.1 making me stay away from their products from then on.

Fond memories indeed...

Comment Re:What a horrible test file (Score 1) 337

And cutting-off people with basic services like 1 Mbit/s cable internet, DSL, or slow 56k dialup. Forcing people to faster speeds that they either don't have, or don't want, is irresponsible of the website owner

That's exactly what Youtube does. Offer the same video in 360p, 480p and HD. Everyone's a winner.

And 56K dialup people should really stay out of the internet-video discussion. We're also not asking Henry Ford to comment on the SLS AMG.

Comment Re:It seems ironic... (Score 1) 1147

>No, the price difference is so the Faithful can run around flaunting their glowing logo and think they are superior people. Bah.

Some people wear a Swatch, other people wear an IWC watch. Both tell the same time, one costs 60X what the other costs. Usually because they can afford it, and because they appreciate the quality difference. Does that make them feel superiour to the other people? Probably not, but judging from your response you seem to think they do. So who's the bigot here?

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