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Comment Re:Facebook Will Not Acknowledge the New Guy (Score 3, Interesting) 135

"Someone please try again to explain to me"? Seriously?

People like to talk about themselves. On the Internet and in everyday life. This doesn't really require explanation, nor do I think you actually want one.

You want validation that you're a brave crusader holding your ground against the shallow, attention-whoring masses. Which is ironic, given that you apparently want someone to convince you in the hope that they'll earn your valuable approval (which you won't give -- your mind is clearly made up.)

As the poster above said, if you don't want to use it, don't. There's a lot of utility to social networking that has nothing to do with what you ate for breakfast, but like anything else, Sturgeon's Law applies. The good stuff is rarer than the dross but can be found with only a little effort.

Comment Not that there's anything wrong with that (Score 1) 474

Because most "adult" Star Wars fans are really still thirteen year old boys at heart and want to see Darth Vader mowing people down with his lightsaber non-stop because that would be soooo cooool.

Either that or they're still laboring under the illusion that somehow risky, thoughtful, intelligent sci-fi is going to bleed from the Star Wars stone, which will never happen.

Comment All hail Irvin Kershner, god of light and joy! (Score 4, Insightful) 474

No fan will ever forget Jar-Jar, or indeed any mistake Lucas has ever made. Hating Star Wars is now an integral part of liking Star Wars. Fans will never let it go, regardless of the quality of future product. They'll continue to enthusiastically shove C-3PO cereal into their mouths, yowling "this cereal tastes so awful it raped my childhood!" until the goddamn sun goes dark.

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