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Comment Re:Not always... (Score 3, Interesting) 189

The shtoopidest problem I faced was in TransactSQL. Usually, the syntax there is case insensitive, but there is a difference between
  • where timeStamp >= format(watermark,'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') --<-- incorrect
  • where timeStamp >= format(watermark,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') --<--correct

This bug was extremely elusive for me because the code looks fine and watermark in our data is almost never between 00:00:00 and 01:00:00 and that was when the bug sometimes causes missing data in our target tables.

Submission + - Movie recommendation: Classic solution is as fast as quantum (

igny writes: Up until recently the recommendation problem was considered a popular example where quantum computers were believed to be exponentially faster than classic. A teenager constructed a classic algorithm to this problem that is much faster than all previously know classic solutions and is comparable to the quantum algorithm in speed. While his result is under review for a publication, this may be a major setback for the quantum speedup theory.

Comment Re:I don't have much of a problem with this (Score 1) 464

Yeah, yeah how mature, blame the Congress... That incident was entirely caused by an engineering oversight. Engineers in US failed to heed expertise of international atomic industry and used alloys that were known to have issues with chemical and radioactive induced corrosion. That change that they were forced to do in 2010s was already implemented in France, Germany and Russia in early 2000s.

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