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Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 393

I have no problem with a living author reaping the benefits of writing a bestseller for his entire natural life, and his descendants for another 14 after that.

Copyright does this and much, much more. And that's also the root of the problem. Before Disney, copyright granted authors protection for 28 years. I’m fine with that. The problem is now it’s pushing 100 years. This stifles our culture and innovation.

For example, Star Wars was released in 1978, so it should have gone into the public domain by 2005. With existing laws, George Lucas retains exclusive rights to butcher the SW universe until 2072!!!!! 95 YEARS! Imagine what new aspiring authors could do with his work, instead of the sterile Jar Jar crap that Lucas served us, recently? Thank you, copyright.

Are you telling me your favorite authors would not have created their works, if it was not protected for 70 years after their death?!? The copyright system is designed make companies, like Disney and RIAA, rich at the expense of our freedom.

The irony is Disney made its fortune by ripping off the great works of others. Walt Disney was a master of this. At its origins, Mickey Mouse was a parody of the Buster Keaton film Steamboat Bill Jr. And almost all of their great work since then has continued this tradition of copying. Just to name a few: Pinocchio, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland, Jungle Book, Sleep Hollow, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid,

With the RIAA, SOPA and Courtney Love’s excellent essay on how they screw over artists should give you an idea of how this industry works.

Young artists need the freedom to remake and remix. The current laws prevent them from using anything from their generation. This is wrong and needs to be fixed.

Finally, Larry Lessig explains the problems with CC much more eloquently then I can at this TED talk:

Comment Re:For some of us, it leaks worse than ever (Score 2) 393

I was so excited when I heard about this focus on memory leakage. But I've been on the 15 beta releases and it leaks worse than 13x.

It does not matter that I close all but one window/tab. After 24 hours of light browsing, it is pushing 1.5 GB and can rarely run for more than 48 hours. So what is the support path? How does this get fixed?

First of all, if you're running on the Beta Channel, you shouldn't be asking how to submit bugs or complaining about them. But if you must, just google "firefox memshrink and bug report". There's a ton of information. I filled one out a few weeks ago for an HTML5 game. They were responsive and addressed the issue quickly.

Comment Re:The goal of the project? (Score 1) 210

Why are they asking for money on kickstart, when they could save a ton just by switching from helium to hydrogen weather balloons? Sure they have to take some extra precautions because it's flammable (NOT explosive, google it) , but the cost saving will more that make up for it. In addition they are helping to preserve a precious resource necessary for things like MRIs.

Comment Re:Old story, or something new? (Score 3, Informative) 393

Yes, exactly! The high memory usage comes from firebug. If you really have so little memory, then you'll be much better off running 2 separate instances of Firefox. In both my own testing and Tom's latest browser Firefox turn out on top with the lowest memory footprint.,0101-343668-0-2-3-1-png-.html

Best 40 tab - Firefox 794 MB
Worst 40 tab - Chrome 1449 MB

Chrome used almost twice the memory as Firefox.

Comment 70 is enough (Score 1) 813

Seriously 60 or 70 is enough for me. My grandpa is 90, but so many problems to deal with. He's the man, but by 70, just stick a fork in me and call it a day. He's lived a hard life, orphan in the depression, fighter pilot in WW2, and still going strong. Me, I've had it good, but I don't see the point in fighting. Don't want to deal with all the pain and suffering at the end. Just a nice quite sleep, when I'm done contributing to this world.....

Comment ARWINSS (Score 4, Informative) 155

For anyone that wants to try ReactOS out, I highly recommend the ARWINSS fork, which is a new Win32 subsystem for ReactOS that reuses as much Wine code as possible. The ARWINSS architecture implements APIs exposed via USER32 and GDI32 libraries and is based upon Wine source-code. In my testing the stability and compatibility was much better then the official release. You can find it here:

Comment Re:Any recommendation for Chinese audiences? (Score 1) 411

I'm also in China. The video stream was choppy, but other the the usual suspects like youtube, I did not notice any NASA/JPL sites blocked by the GFW. One thing I have noticed, if you use a high quality VPN, foreign sites have lower latency and less packet loss. I assume this is because the GFW has some pass through mechanism for encrypted traffic that it cannot analyze. My VPN is free Amazon EC2 Ubuntu PPTP server that I setup myself.

I used the Google CC translation feature in youtube to translate the subtitles to Chinese, so my girlfriend would watch with me. How awesome is it that I just watched a video of 1 ton rover landing on Mars streamed over the Internet with machine generated and translated subtitles? I'm so happy to live in this day and age. Congratulations NASA, JPL, and Google!

Comment Carl Sagan would be proud! (Score 5, Insightful) 411

“We tend to hear much more about the splendors returned than the ships that brought them or the shipwrights. It has always been that way. Even those history books enamored of the voyages of Christopher Columbus do not tell much about the builders of the Nina the Pinta and the Santa Maria or about the principle of the caravel. These spacecraft their designers builders navigators and controllers are examples of what science and engineering set free for well-defined peaceful purposes can accomplish. Those scientists and engineers should be role models for an America seeking excellence and international competitiveness. They should be on our stamps.”
  Carl Sagan,

Congratulations NASA and JPL! I hope you continue to inspire us all to dare mighty things!

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 5, Insightful) 246

As an expat living in repressed China, this news makes me happy to be a free American. " He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither." -Benjamin Franklin How many people do you know that have died from Terrorists? For me, NONE. But Cancer, Stupidity, Obesity, MANY. As an expat, the real threat I see to our freedom is the ignorant throwing away our freedom that our founding fathers died for, because they are scared of the terrorist buggy-man! Stop living in fear and start thinking!

Comment Re:oh please (Score 1) 109

Some people just like to say the US is 'behind', no matter what the issue or facts are.

If you are going to quote, quote properly, they said "will be ahead", not "are". And you obviously cannot read the summary properly either, because it states that: " They won't be building more older Generation II reactors" ie China slowing nuclear build out! "The Chinese will be ahead of the US!" (in an alternate article) China increasing nuclear buildout! "They are increasing the deployment of newer, safer, more advanced Generation III reactors" ie "The Chinese will ahead of the US!" As an American, who has traveled back and forth between US and China for the past 6 years. I can tell you can be rest assured that China is not yet ahead of the US. However, China is rapidly gaining on the US technologically. Their government does not get bogged down in short term issues. They set 20 year goals and stick to them. And while they have their own problems, this relentless consistency has led them from a backwards 3rd world nation to a manufacturing super power that rivals the US. American had better get it together soon, or China will be ahead.

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