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Submission + - HDCP Master Key? (engadget.com)

RebootKid writes: Engadget and MSNBC are both reporting that the master key to HDCP has been posted online. (Purported key here: http://pastebin.com/kqD56TmU)
I don't claim to be an expert in this issue, but it would seem to essentially circumvent the key scheme already in use in HD movies.

I've read the articles, and everyone seems to think this is legit, so I thought I'd share, and get the /. feedback

Comment Re:really? (Score 1) 324

I respectfully disagree. The only instances I've seen Pedo Bear being used is two fold 1) As a joke (95% of the time) 2) When someone is being skeezy about kids, someone will reply with a Pedo Bear reference, basically using it as a tool to call someone out on it. If there is a 3rd category, I haven't seen it, nor have I been able to find it in various searches, so I'm going to go with a [Citation Needed] in reference to pedophiles using it as a tool to discuss with minors. Law enforcement is being stupid in this case.

Comment Re:Comparisons like this don't mean squat... (Score 4, Interesting) 702

I converted my wife to Ubuntu after the 8th virus in 3 months. I did buy Crossover Pro for Photoshop, but that's about it. She loves how much faster her laptop is. She games on Facebook, uses Evolution for email, and OpenOffice for writing, etc. She's got Hulu Desktop installed, and will dock her laptop to our home theater system and watch TV that way. The number of "Hey hon, can you look at this?" type things have gone down incredibly. She's been on Ubuntu for about 18 months now, and can't fathom going back. So, I don't think that your point of, "Granny just stopped asking for help" is really valid. People are people, if you mess up their PC, you'll hear about it at every family gathering.

Comment Re:So preventable (Score 1) 398

Their homework required the use of the school issued computer. Assignments were not accepted if they were not done on the school issued PC. So, in short, if they wanted to actually get a good grade in the class, then yes, they had to take the laptop home. In theory, the student could 'not accept' the laptop, and check one out in the library, working exclusively in the library until it closed, and then checking it back in. Considering the reduced hours that the library was open, I don't see how that was feasible option. Oh, and the parents had to pay a fee to have the "privilege" of having their kids spied on.

Comment Re:A Horrendous Precedent (Score 1) 398

It's not fraud or breach of contract. There was no contract saying, "We're going to use the webcam to monitor your children." The contract said that the webcam may be activated to locate lost or stolen laptops. The issue that brought this to light was a vice principle hauling a kid into the office for "doing drugs in his room" Those "drugs" turned out to be candy. Heard of "Unreasonable Search and Seizure?" I will give you that it can be prosecuted as a civil matter, but it is most certainly a criminal matter as well. Additionally, of those thousands of images how many of them contained inappropriate images? I know that if I caught someone taking pictures of my kids, I'd be all over any DA that DIDN'T press charges. Yes I know this is federal not state/county/etc. Same principle applies.

Comment Re:Zero is a great goal even if it's unreachable (Score 1) 509

I can tell you from experience that nothing makes your fancy "stabili-track, AWD, 4x4, anti-lock, whatever" vehicle technology more useless than black ice on an inclining slope with an outward banking turn.


The real problem is that most drivers are not required to take classes that teach them how to deal with these circumstances, and continuing education to stay current with the training. Additionally, as cars age, their ability to deal with those circumstances goes down as well.

The problem isn't predicting the "Known" conditions and having solution, it's the unknown conditions that will get you. Only a properly trained and skilled driver will be able to deal with those problems. Sorry, but I trust my own ability to handle my vehicle a heck of a lot more than I trust a computer. I would not buy one of these vehicles.

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