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Comment Re:Which illustrates what we already knew (Score 1) 298

With the popularity of Android, separating the two by using GNU/Linux and Android/Linux seems to be very sensible now. GNU/Linux is truly a free operating system and tools while Android/Linux may share the free kernel, the rest of the system is closed down. For example, I would be glad if I could purchase a tablet PC that I can install GNU/Linux on. However sad as it may be, all tablets are closed down Android/Linux.

Comment When I grow up I want to become a patent troll... (Score 1) 116

I wonder how it come that some people become patent trolls? I can't imagine anyone's childhood dream was; "when I am big, I am going to be a lawyer, a POWERFUL! lawyer that will sue everyone I know and anyone I can find".

Probably, these people are forced to become patent troll by their financial circumstance, we should not be angry at them. They deserve our pity and help from their awful situation that has lead them to live a life of a destructive harbringer of everything good and cuddly.

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