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Comment Re:Already illegal (Score 1) 504

As I understand it - IANAL - it's not illegal for them to ask, per se, it's just illegal for them to consider that information when determining whether or not to hire you.

Obviously that's not a very simple thing and is a huge grey area and hard to prove one way or the other, but it's still worth mentioning.

Comment Re:WHY ? (Score 1) 75

The problem is not Gmail specifically, it's e-mail in general.

While the traffic between your computer and Gmail is encrypted via HTTPS, the messages may or may not be encrypted on their servers (hopefully they are), and they also may or may not be encrypted between Gmail and the mail servers being used by the people you're corresponding with.

I would be more worried about sniffing of packets between e-mail servers than I would be about Google employees reading your e-mail.

Comment Re:encrypted gmail (Score 1) 75

The only encryption that occurs is the actual connection between you and Google. The e-mail may or may not be encrypted when it's sitting on their servers.

Not to mention the fact that there's zero guarantee of the e-mail being encrypted when it's passing between mail servers.

Comment Re:Traffic info (Score 1) 218

it would not be a total surprise to learn that they are planning on using their comparatively pervasive handsets in order to produce their own traffic data..

Apple has been transparent about this.

See question 8 here:

Apple is now collecting anonymous traffic data to build a crowd-sourced traffic database with the goal of providing iPhone users an improved traffic service in the next couple of years.

My iPhone also has a setting to enable or disable collection of this traffic data. I have it disabled :)

Comment Re:Newsflash! (Score 1) 418

What I often end up doing on my Kindle (regular e-ink kind), is highlighting a portion of something I want to look up. Then I can go look it up later, the kindle saves your highlights.

Comment Re:That's why I like the basic Kindle (Score 1) 418

I've had terrible luck with PDFs on my Kindle. I've tried to convert them with various utilities and they always come out horrible looking. The problem is the screen size, and the fact that the Kindle basically displays them as images. Maybe the big Kindle DX would be better for them.

The Kindle is totally awesome for eBooks, but I just print PDFs if I need them to be portable.

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