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Comment Re:Fraud (Score 1) 238

now stream netflix to 3 devices and watch that 5mbps become 15mbps, before any other web traffic, or downloads. I'm at the point where anything under 20mbps, doesn't have enough bandwidth for typical evenings anymore. two tablets and a TV mean 15mbps is background data. Thats ignoring updates to the tables and the phones, and computers. All I can see is my bandwidth needs going up. I can't wait until my kids have some sort of video based lecture, or what not in 1080P, or start skypeing with friends, or grandma, or whatnot. Then I'll need a baseline of 40+mbps, if not more, just for background data.

Comment Re:They set the pricing model (Score 1) 238

read your agreement, It's "up to 40mbps". They are giving you exactly what you paid for. Don't like it, get enterprise grade with an SLA and then you can bitch when it's to slow...

I agree with you however on the overselling and monthly data limits, and the data rates should be best effort, or they should be sold as "XXmbps minimum, faster speeds may be available at some times" Then when there is congestion (say 6:30PM), they randomly select and throttle some people. TBH, if i could trust my ISP to handle throttling of my bittorrents, I would. Say "opt in for bulk download management" and then they can sort out long slow running things, and let the RTTs go up for those, or throttle those first.

Comment Re:Transmision != viewing (Score 1) 442

I'll repost something from above...


Basically it looks like multicast at the block level. Only send what each node needs/wants and never even send the rest. Given there are ~2000 homes per node, and lets say 8 channels per home (picture in picture on 4 tvs, all different) that means needing to bale able to send 16,000 things at once. There aren't that many channels, and I'm sure the cable companies know how many active users they have at any one time, etc, etc. Also if they needed to they could send 1080P or 720P video for less popular shows.

Comment Re:US Metric System (Score 1) 1387

right, but I can without any real effort convert 1L into mL in my head... Try that in the US where soda in cans is priced in $/fluid ounce (a unit of volume not weight) and soda in large bottle in $/L, or a small block of cheese in $/oz and the large one in $/lbm, example a 6oz brick might cost $2, and a 1.34lb brick might cost $12. Which is cheaper per unit weight? no looking up oz/lbs, and you have to do all the math in your head. Like the soda example above, there are some other things that mix units as well. some weights when small are in grams, and then end up in pounds when larger. So we 'mericans already need to use both, but admit it less than the british do.

Also last I knew all the US imperial measures were based on the metric equivalent, for example, the foot is defined as 0.3 meter (look up the real conversion) and the inch then is defined as 1/12th that. Pounds are the same way with 1lb being equal to 1/2.2 kgs.

Comment Re:No persuasion required (Score 1) 510

Right, MAC lock the main wifi network (if you have company WIFI devices) or otherwise keep the personal devices off the network. If you want to provide a network for the personal devices, then provide employees with access to a separate firewalled off network. Since the post is about malware it seems like the real issue is letting the devices on the network, and not in the physical space.

Is the issue the camera's on these devices? If so, time to get lockers in a space outside the "secure" space.

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