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Comment NBC "news" (Score 2) 151

Their cherry picking of data missed some WX doozies: the Galveston hurricane of 1900 (about 8,000 dead), the year of no summer (1816), "six ships, carrying 3 million pesos, were wrecked in a storm off Dominica. The island's natives killed all the survivors..." (, the Hakata Bay Typhoon of 1281 (

If you don't want to die in a hurricane, get out of the area. It ain't rocket science.

Earth's inhabitants have always had severe WX events and will always have severe WX events. Period.

Comment Re:It all over the planet (Score 1) 54

original paper: "Extraterrestrial Cause for Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction, Experimental results and theoretical interpretation," Luis W. Alvarez, Walter Alvarez, Frank Asaro, Helen V. Michel (from Science, 6 June 1980, Vol 208, Issue 4448),

Comment Re:Linux fan (Score 1) 60

Good catch, I was off a decade. First install: September, 1996. The DNS servers went into place somewhere between the late-1990s and the early 2000s.

The DNS servers began with discarded (i.e., "junk") machines and later switched over to IBM Netfinity 5000 servers running what was likely version 6 of Red Hat Linux.

When the company scrapped the Netfinity 5000 servers, I scrounged several and still have them in my home office. They aren't screamingly fast but are built like tanks.

Comment Linux fan (Score 1) 60

My first Linux install was in September, 1986, on a 486 with an ESDI disk and not much memory. It worked perfectly. I sneaked Linux DNS servers into the back door of a Fortune 100 company in the mid-1990s. As Grace Hopper famously said, "It's easier to get forgiveness than permission."

When I left 20 years later, the company had at least 200 Linux servers. Thank you, Linus.

Comment let's not be stupid (Score 2, Interesting) 477

"Study after study has established that there is no causal link between video games and real world violence," the ESA said.

Are we surprised the ESA would make such a claim?

I'm sure the MPAA would also say there's no causal link between violent movies and real world violence. However, has anyone seen a hollywood movie in the last few years?

There is an absolutely disgusting amount of violence for the sake of violence in many, many movies. How can there be no link between violent movies and real world violence in some segment of the population?

I propose an experiment: let's impose a fine or tax or levy of one million dollars for a violent act in a movie. The amount increases significantly for the second violent act and the increase goes up geometrically for additional violent acts. After five or ten years, let's see whether the number of mass shootings has dropped.

At some point even hollywood will get the message that violence for the sake of violence isn't a good idea.

Comment Re:Delta V doesn't lie (Score 1) 207

Go ask NASA for the their answer on why they want to build this.

NASA wants to build Gateway because NASA is no longer an engineering organization, it is a bureaucracy. The sole purpose of a bureaucracy is to sustain itself.

With the landing of Atlantis on July 21, 2011 (an ironic date that won't be lost on those of you who are paying attention), NASA no longer had the ability to launch people into LEO. Today, eight years and a day later, NASA still has no way to launch people into LEO. And we're going to trust NASA to design, build, and use Gateway without killing more astronauts? I don't think so.

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