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Comment Re:Yeah, I want a Sony Pony too (Score 1) 386

Yes I'm in Aus too, and what I want is some basic customer service. I have not received a single direct communication from Sony explaining that my data has been compromised and that my credit card data may of been exposed. I noticed that PSN went down without any explanation, thats fine, but it was days later that I had to read on news websites that PSN had been hacked, and days later still that I could potentially be at risk, still with not a single official notification from Sony.

Sure they put up notices on their website and their blog, but well I just don't bother reading them because I get weekly 'Whats new on PSN' emails from them that have the same stuff. Except that the weekly emails stopped, I guess their email servers were on the PSN as well... They don't seem to get what good customer service is. But as I cancelled my Credit Card, I made a point for my CC provider to record that it was Sony's PSN hack that was the cause for my cancellation and re-issuing of the card.

Comment Re:Sounds practical (Score 1) 185

Well you could of used Starcraft as an example. Blizz patched it for operating systems that didn't even exist when it was written. Say what you want about Starcraft II but blizzard does offer good game support for its legacy titles. Despite all its legal wrangles with people wanting to run their own servers :)

Comment Re:Yeah well (Score 2) 363

And this proposed legislation is a reaction to all the abuses that have happened in the past. It was inevitable.

What I would like to see however is a value is placed upon peoples information. If people are using it to make money off of you then perhaps there should be some compensation to those whose information is being used. Something a little more concrete then a 1 in 5 million chance of winning an iPad. Of course, the information should be scrubbed of personally identifiable data. There are websites that do this sort of thing already, but something a bit more formal. Im sure there would be drawbacks, but something has to be done about the wild west we currently live in.

Comment Re:Fundementally broken system (Score 1) 251

No EFTPOS is not like Debit Cards. We have Debit Cards as well, and I wouldn't go near them with a 50 foot pole and a pack of ninja's. They can suffer fraud just like credit/debit cards but it is technically harder to do so, but as so many recent news stories have shown far from impossible. Basically it involves swiping the card to duplicate it and getting a camera, eyeballs or fake/compromised keypad onto its PIN number. There have been fake EFTPOS readers to look like the real ones that duplicate cards and PINs, dongles attached to ATMs to do the theft and all sorts of things.

They are however very convenient as long as you get a good fee free deal on them and of course do the right thing to reduce your liability while using them and due diligence on where you use them, not that that will give you 100% protection.

Comment Re:Finally someone with brains (Score 4, Insightful) 118

Yes it is nice to get someone that has an open mind as to what the problems with TV are. I like watching TV shows, however I don't watch many anymore. I don't like shows coming out 6 months to a year later, I don't like time slots being moved around so much that its hard to record them without a Tivo-esque device (or with the 5 - 10 minute schedule drift many of the major channels employ). I don't like ads that blast the room with sound when they employ their volume shifting bastardry.

What I like is watching the shows when I want to watch them, scheduling them into my life rather than having to schedule my life around them. What all content providers have to get their head around is that these technologies are empowering users to live a social and interactive life their way and if you don't want to keep up with that or embrace it then there is going to be problems.

Comment Re:3d is underwhelming (Score 2) 215

I played a demo model just before launch and it is a big step up from the DS in terms of eye candy. What i didn't like was the 2 screens being different sizes (what ever happened to split screen games that I enjoy like Metroid Pinball?) the price tag and the battery life.

This is a second gen purchase at best for me (remember the first gen DS? ugh). I don't need another Zelda - Ocarina of Time re-run (despite it being the best Zelda game I've played). Street Fighter was great on the 3DS, Resident Evil looked great, but was as boring as it comes and the other games I played I just went meh.

Comment Re:wat (Score 1) 235

I remember when Steam was in beta. They deployed Half Life and all of its expansions et all and I got to play them all for free. This was very fine as I had never got around to playing them before. Thats what won me over to Steam and I never even considered looking at another digital distribution system for games for PC and Mac.

They warned there might be a bunch of bugs et all, but they all played great with only a few minor problems that didn't affect me much.

Comment Re:Was Microsoft Riight? (Score 1) 716

When it comes to showing off tablet products in a store to potential buyers the iPad so outpaces the competition its not surprising that Android tablets are lagging behind. Lets look at the marketing.

I went to JB Hi Fi, they have Apple and Android tablets. Going over to the Apple table you get to play with a whole bunch of fun apps that wow and entertain, all surrounded by the Apple style of clean crisp advertising. I went over to the Android tablets which were in a nice boring section where you wouldn't even know where there unless you were looking for them and I clicked on 15 different icons and could get absolutely nothing to work except a nice error message in a browser saying it couldn't connect to the web.

With this happening in stores it isn't surprising what the results are.

I certainly do not think that this style of devices is a fad as the way people are accessing their information is evolving. I wanted eBooks on a useful device and I chose an iPad because i could get eBooks and do a whole lot more. I like this portable style of computing in a size factor where you don't have a small phone sized screen.

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