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Comment Re:Could happen by chance (Score 1) 203

You may want to revise the paper to take into account the different use cases for each browser. If users of a certain browser are more likely to be distracted or interrupted (like at work, for instance), and similarly if users of a certain browser are more likely to be looking for an easy-to-digest diversion and abandoning some harder puzzles (like at work), this would invalidate the conclusions. Your statistics might say more about where different browsers are likely to be found rather than about the users of those browsers.

Comment Re:Animal Rights? (Score 2) 1127

I'd say animals do have (some) rights, in the same sense that humans do, since we humans explicitly give them some rights as we give rights to ourselves. See animal cruelty laws and such, at least in most decent places. Now, whether this type of hunting is animal cruelty or not, I have no idea...

Comment Re:BLECK! (Score 1) 647

Gnome wants to remove that choice. They think everything should be maximised and have said so.

Why does TFA say the opposite of what you claim? Is this a technical or a mudslinging debate?

Comment Re:BLECK! (Score 1) 647

I find it's one of the most useful things I've encountered in Gnome 3, but I agree the top zone should be just the very edge of the screen, not the entire width of the panel. The side zone is hardly prone to accidents though, since you need to be dragging the titlebar, or Alt-dragging. In fact, since positioning windows by Alt-dragging around the center of the window is so much more convenient than hunting for the title bar, I'd argue that it doesn't matter how close to the edge you need to be.

Comment Re:BLECK! (Score 1) 647

I don't quite get the kerfuffle here..

Any application or window I open in Gnome 3 is invariably non-maximized, unless I had already maximized it before. The only difference to Gnome 2 I've found is that it's now easy to maximize by pulling the window to the top, or left/right edges for maximizing or half-maximizing respectively. Maybe everything will be forced full screen in the future, but Gnome 3 is fine.

Comment Re:I have no idea (Score 3, Insightful) 498

You do realize that the electrons are interchangeable, and once they start pushing around the system it is of no consequence where or what grid they came from? The only thing that matters is by who and how they were generated, so by giving your money to the generator mix of your choice, you are buying the electricity source of your choice. Cost of transfer obviously comes into the price, but that's a different matter.

Comment Re:Really! (Score 3, Insightful) 369

I'm thinking this kind of mocking actually just increases their sales, judging by the quality displayed in this thread that I randomly found by searching for the manufacturer in question. After reading that, in case everyone here aren't already furiously headdesking, here's a quote from the main page: "I'm not a big fan of blind listening tests."

Comment Re:Should X be mandatory? (Score 1) 861

That's rather odd. I can see how a recycler might want the material to be already cleaned, but surely they can't rely on that and have to clean it anyway? Where I live, cleaning the recyclables means that e.g. jars are empty and given a quick rinse, not that you actually have to go in there with detergent and a steel brush. Basically they don't want big chunks of food complicating the cleaning process.

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