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Comment Re:O RLY? (Score 0) 1201

"The social safety net that right wingers both disdain and take for granted has helped keep people who've hit hard times from turning to crime"

So you think everyone who is out of work and not on benefits will steal or kill.

I got another job.

Which says a lot about both of us.

Comment Re:O RLY? (Score 1) 1201

"We should all just work for free"

Who said that?

And why do you bother posting if you're just going to make up the most egregious lie you can and ascribe it to anyone you disagree with?

You're never going to change anyone's mind by lying like that. And you're clearly not even open minded enough to actually read and respond to what WAS ACTUALLY SAID, so is your only purpose here to make bombastic, trolling assertions?

Comment Re:I don't think you understand how this works. (Score 4, Insightful) 1201

"To conservolibertarians,"

I love that Libertarians have made such impressive political inroads that, in your obvious and abject fear of them, you resort to your reflexive "MY TEAM IS BETTER THAN THEIR TEAM" screed, and don't even realize that in combining "conservatives" and "libertarians" you're admitting you don't realize they're completely opposing idealogies.

Next time, save space and say "I have no fucking idea what Libertarianism is, and because I'm a partisan hack, it SKEEEERS ME! MY TEAM".

Comment Re:Why is this even an issue? (Score 2) 314

I'm sorry, I just continue to read this reply and all I get from it is that you made a sexist argument and can't approach backing it up.

Nothing you said there in any way resembles the truth about his post, but more importantly, none of it, by any measure, supports your grossly sexist claim of ""virtual flaccid urine dripping dick swinging attitude".

Comment Re:Why is this even an issue? (Score 1) 314

The whole "I don't see the problem, so it doesn't exists".

Cold you post the quote where he says that? I missed it.

In this case "free choice" is used to wave away the actual problems one encounters when working in the field of choice, chosen so freely.

So, he's using the fact that people have free choice to... show that people don't have free choice?


You're incoherent.

Comment Re:well, duh (Score 1) 433

I wish people would post where they actually live when they make claims like this.

No, you know what, I'll be more blunt.

I wish when people wanted to have a reasonable conversation, and were requesting information, that they don't act like petulant brats, and instead, simply politely

ask for it. It never occurred to me that some lonely internet troll is so desperate for my approximate location that he would throw a tantrum about not immediately and automatically receiving it, like you did in your post.

Comment Re:Bullshit PC question yields bullshit PC results (Score 2) 314

the libertarians

Wait you really just seriously blamed "the libertarians" for convincing people that "the only jobs that matter are white collar jobs"?

The same libertarians that haven't really mattered politically or culturally until the last year or so?

And you think they talk DOWN blue collar jobs?

Do you even know what a libertarian is? Because your post seems to prove you don't. What is up with this sudden rush to blame everything you don't like in the world on a group of irrelevant politicos? By making claims that are demonstrably false?

Comment Re:Why is this even an issue? (Score 1) 314

It's exactly this virtual flaccid urine dripping dick swinging attitude that keeps women away.

Um, what "virtual flaccid urine dripping dick swinging attitude"? His point was

Last time I checked, people have a free choice as to what field they want to work/study in.

I fail to see how one could read that as a "virtual flaccid urine dripping dick swinging attitude".

Comment Re:Why is this even an issue? (Score 1) 314

"Because those are for the most part low-status, low-paying servant style jobs. "

So? Is your argument that CS jobs are better than Teaching Jobs or Child Care Jobs because YOU THINK they are "low-status, low-paying servant style jobs"?

Because that's pretty condescending, and frankly, wrong.

I GUARANTEE YOU, if you ran a poll, teachers would have higher status than programmers.

Comment Re:Stop what? How about fuck you? (Score 5, Insightful) 314

I'm sorry I'm being mean, but goddamn it, you guys. I'm sick of hearing this same tired bullshit, as though it occurred to no one to actually look the fuck around and see that this defensive attitude toward ignoring the fucking problem and hoping it goes away is making shit worse

You're not being mean, you're being gullible.

First, The lack of focus on diversity

doesn't exist, and should have been your first clue you were swallowing a load. Just look at the extensive and well documented attempts to introduce "diversity". The idea that there is ANY lack of focus on diversity is quite frankly, ridiculous.

Second you cite "negative experiences" as though it were lynching and sexual harassment, and not "long hours, tedious work, and a lack of social opportunities".

In short, you bought a line.

Comment Women are (Score 2) 314

"There is currently a responsibility-dodging contest between industry and academia over who is to blame for the declining enrollment of women in Computer Science

Women are. Or are we still forwarding the lie that women don't make their own choices, and need to be coddled/cajoled/hand-held into taking jobs in industries they don't care about?

Comment Re:well, duh (Score 1, Insightful) 433

Minimum wage in this country is a joke, and while raising it to be a living wage would, indeed, cause some short-term loss of jobs, over the longer term, as the poorest working people were measurably better off and able to spend more money, it would contribute greatly to the country's economy.

So, did you not bother reading the article that proves you wrong?

Inflation kills when you raise minimum wage.

It's been proven so many times that I can't believe this nonsensical trope still has legs. It's like you completely ignored the story and the downside of inflation.

Comment Re:well, duh (Score 1) 433

You are not intended to live on minimum wage. Anybody who shows up on time and sober will be making above minimum in three months.

This is wrong. My wife is the GM of a retail store, and her company only hires store associates at minimum wage. Why?

Because the line of teeny boppers looking to work in a trendy store is LOOOOOONG and the job requirements are low.

They only give raises at one year intervals.

In addition, I happen to live in an area of the country where RN's make around 17-20 an hour, and skilled tradesmen are the same. In short, the wages are LOW. Minimum wage, while not in any way comfortable, is liveable.

Every single thing you claimed in your post is wrong in regards to my area and direct personal experience.

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