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Comment Re:0xB16B00B5 (Score 1) 897

Thank goodness.

I don't want ANYONE working on a team with me that's going to feed "uncomfortable" over something this funny.

And no, it's not sexist. Anyone who works in software development knows that man boobs are probably bigger than what a lot of you females are carrying. The only thing "sexist" about this are the whiners that want to make something juvenile and ridiculous into a "debate" about "sexism" in software development.

"And believe it or not, sort of thing is the reason why there are so few female programmers."

Then the programming world is better off the way it is now. I really don't think industry is improved by disallowing a sense of humor and looking hard to find bigotry where none exists. I don't care what your sex, race, creed or color is, if you find "0xB16B00B5" to be "offensive" you're so uptight that you're really not worth dealing with.

Comment Enough. Just... enough with the whining. (Score 2) 897

This is hilarious.

1. I work in software development. Boobs are in no way limited to females. In fact, I probably see more man boobs on a daily basis than I do woman boobs.

2. If you can't take a joke that was in no way written to be mean, intimidating, sexist or hurtful... fuck you you fucking whiner.

I have to hear from "progressives" about the evils of religion "sanitizing" people's thoughts and minds. Is this kind of crap any different. Grow a spine. There's a HUGE difference between juvenile and hateful and if you can't tell the difference, you're just plain irritating.

Comment Re:Fixed URLs... (Score 1) 197

For me the real joy in FPS is co-op right now. I love Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. I was recently introduced to PAYDAY: The Heist as well. These are games I can jump into, play for less than an hour with other friends who have jobs/kids/whatever and can't treat gaming like a second career.

The stories are silly, contrived and PAYDAY is completely absurd but... I dunno, I don't care. They're fun. What I want out of video games in my 30s is much different than my early 20s. I can't sit and play for longer an about an hour or two (if I'm lucky) in a sitting. I can't spend the time to get particularly "good" at any game.

Not quite FPS, but close, is Space Marine. "Exterminatus" mode, particularly with the Chaos expansion, is really fun. Too bad the lust for DLC fragmented an already small community of gamers, so you if you're gonna play plan on playing with friends.

Comment Re:cause and effect vs commonality (Score 2) 326

I'm sorry, exactly which one of 1 - 5 require "high education"?

1. So, you can't learn to research properly without going through "higher education"? Seriously?

2. Try managing your own business. You'll learn this one really quick or you won't be managing your own business for very long.

3. See above.

4. Or you could take the money you were going to drop on college and live in a foreign country for a year. Or, I don't know, find a new social circle.

5. Really?

Higher education isn't the be all, end all. It's a path and it's a useful path for a lot of people. The idea, however, the it's the best path or the only path for many goals is ridiculous. (Not the mention, the continuously inflating price of said institutions shows that academia is just as corrupt as all business out there.)

Comment Re:And... (Score 1) 326

Yeah, I do regularly.

What you wear to a given event makes a statement. When you put clothing on, you're saying something. If you show up to a formal wedding in shorts and flip-flops that makes a statement. I also discriminate against people who go into libraries and yell, because it's inappropriate and shows a lack of respect for the people around them.

When it's your company or your office or your house or your event, you can do as you like. However, when it's a group even with certain standards and expectations you can still do as you like, but I'm also perfectly within my right to make judgements based on what you do.

Comment Re:It's not Entrapment. (Score 1) 573

Because this is Slashdot! We're full of mentally enlightened people! Why have pity for people who are mostly uneducated and a product of their upbringing? I mean, if they're third-worlders, that's one thing. However, if you're in America it's because you're some backwoods religious crank who deserves to be locked away forever. It's their fault after all.

Comment Re:Regardless (Score 1) 353

I wish I had mod points today. Excellent response.

And while I'm a big fan of Ron Paul, I can't say I'm ever thrilled when I hear things like "gold and silver are the only real money" because it's just dumb. "Value" is in the eye of the beholder and all a government has to do to give something "value" is made it acceptable for taxes. At that moment, it has value and can be traded.

As I like to ask all the gold freaks, "What happens when we can make gold ourselves? How does your system work then?" And I ask because it's going to happen.

Comment Verizon (Score 1) 134

I live in Las Vegas and have made plenty of trips to Northern Nevada, and Northern and Southern California. While I am personally a T-Mobile subscriber, the people on the road trips that have the best and most consistant signal are the Verizon guys.

There's still a lot of dead space around here so... that's life.

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