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Comment Re:This just in... (Score 1) 288

You snuck restrictive licenses, closed markets, and numerous other evils past the open eyes of consumers...and then you fail to get your own shuriken onto your own airplane? White Ninja, you have greatly displeased your sensei! Seppuku is now your only option.

Comment This just in... (Score 4, Funny) 288

Javascript engine speeds have nothing to do with quality of code. It's all about how cool a name you come up with for your engine. IE9 is the latest to jump on the bandwagon with their "Chakra" engine, sure to appeal to a wide market of yuppie-wanna-be-hippie 30 somethings. Following this news, Mozilla has announced their next javascript engine will be called "unicorn bacon", and apple have bought the rights to use the name "iMegatron". The future is now!

Comment The other side of the coin (Score 0) 663

Why is it that every upvoted post is "technology 1, humans 0!"

If these people don't want wifi, that's none of our business. As long as a democratic majority vote for it, let them turn it off. Crazy or not it's still their choice.

If we are to be true to the scientific method and rise above dogmatic beliefs then we have to give them the benefit of the doubt, no matter how slim the odds. If it's all in their heads then that's all the more reason to give them what they want.
PC Games (Games)

JavaScript/HTML 5 Gaming? 201

cjcela writes "Lately I've seen some HTML 5/JavaScript games popping up on the web. Most of them lack sound, and are not polished, but little by little this is changing. As an example, check Galactic Plunder. While it is only a single-level proof of concept, it is one of the first arcade non-Flash games that I've found playable. Do you know of other comparable or better pure JavaScript games?"

Submission + - Javascript/HTML5 gaming (dougx.net) 1

cjcela writes: Lately I've seen some HTML 5 / Javascript games popping up on the web. Most of them lack sound, and are not polished. But little by little this is changing. As an example, check Galactic Plunder[http://dougx.net/] (and no, I am not related in any way to the website or the game — just happen to like it). While it is only a single-level proof of concept, it is one of the first arcade non-Flash games that I've found playable. Do you know of other comparable or better pure Javascript games?

Submission + - Captain Kirk won't be the Governor General (skunkpost.com) 1

crimeandpunishment writes: That online effort to get William Shatner nominated as Canada's next Governor General came up short. Despite a Facebook page attracting nearly 50,000 followers, Canada has decided to go the traditional route instead of beaming up Shatner.

Comment Re:Close (Score 1) 218


Just because someone has a lot of experience does not necessarily make them more right than someone else with an equally valid, logical argument.

Not that you'll believe me - I don't have a university degree.

Comment Comparisons (Score 5, Interesting) 282

Let us consider two cases:

  • what life was like before TV/the internet
  • what life is like since TV/the internet

What have we gained as a direct result of these technologies? What have we lost?

Is it worth it?

I remember being told to play outside all day - back when we could do that without sunscreen and without getting burned. It used to be that I had to make a plan and stick with it if I was going to meet a friend - I couldn't call them when I got to the place and THEN figure out where they were waiting. I didn't used to be a slave to the byzantine contract or incessant needs of my portable phone (that probably isn't giving me cancer). I imagine libraries were a lot more popular, living rooms were centered around conversations or musical instruments, and if you couldn't sleep you could listen to live performances on the radio. To name just a few examples.

What have we gained? Well, the space on my desk that used to be for a rolodex/business cards is now taken up with Arduinos & servos. My girlfriend sits up in bed and watches Glee on her iPad instead of finishing her cross stitch. Pinging the hivemind to solve a technical query is pretty damn awesome. uh... everything else I can think of is probably a negative.

So while I haven't definitively made up my mind, I feel like the evidence I am aware of leans towards "worse off".

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