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Comment Re:They have no choice (Score 1) 137

Numerous US states are going to ban new ICE sales , eg california by 2035. Ditto in the EU and UK also by 2035.

If it wasn't for the political intervention EVs would still be a very niche purchase and Tesla wouldn't be anything like the size of the company it is now.

You can argue whether its good or bad but its the way it is now.

You're being modded down because someone disagrees with you politically, but at its root, Honda's decision to build these factories IS an inherently political one. EV adoption is largely being driven by mandate, not by choice. Honda is making a calculated gamble: that the mandates will stay in place, and people will HAVE to buy an EV one day. This will make EV's profitable eventually... as long as the mandates stay in place.

Time will tell if this pays off for them.

Comment Re:FreeDOS? (Score 2) 82

As you seems you need something more modern and with source available:
Have you given FreeDOS a try?

Most companies wont touch anything in production without corporate support and support contracts. The words "Community Support" fills them with dread. They want a phone number they can dial if things go sideways.

Comment Re:surprisngly easy to compile (Score 1) 82

the binaries fit on a single 3 1/2" HD disk

If you were installing it to a hard drive. Back in the day, some people still ran everything on their floppy drives. There's a link somewhere below showing the install menu, giving you the option to install a floppy-only option across multiple floppy drives. Which meant that when you wanted to run different built-in DOS programs, you had to swap to a different floppy on the fly.

Steve Jobs apparently liked this way of doing things all the way into his early NeXT products, where everything ran from the optical drive, OS and applications included. It fit his idea of "elegant".

Comment Re:Anecdote (Score 2) 59

Just compare a Samsung S8 or S9 Ultra tablet to an iPad pro 10th gen and you will see what I am talking about.

I suspect it has far more to do with price than anything. iPhones are just too damned expensive, even on the low end. You can get a decently built, solidly performing Android phone for $200 or less. If you're not an iTunes user, or iMessage devotee, there just isn't any real reason to pick an Apple phone over an Android phone.

Comment Re:It wont survive a court challenge (Score 2) 93

The Supreme Court already ruled that they can't regulate carbon emissions like this.

They also ruled that student loan forgiveness was (mostly) unconstitutional as well, and yet the President does it anyway.

We are entering "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it" territory again.

Comment Re:Economic harship (Score 4, Informative) 281

Destroying middle class has predictable consequence of tanking birth rate. News at 11.

"Economic Hardship" has jack-shit to do with most of the declining birthrate. Women have more money than ever. If being poor hurt the birthrate, the Third World would have ceased to exist centuries ago. Women choosing careers over marriage has far more to do with it. Those that are getting married are doing so much later in life, when their fertility is already declining, and having few children is a consequence of that. Why do you think IVF and egg-freezing are in such demand? Because women that waited until 30 to get married discover, often to their surprise, that their best chances of pregnancy are in the rear window.

Women were told that they could have it all, the best of both worlds: that they could live like men in their twenties, living the single sexual life and moving up their corporate ladder, and after they had their fun, then they could marry the man of their dreams and have their family. All in a neat package. Except nature doesn't work that way. The Biological Clock is a thing, women have a set number of eggs, and by thirty, they start heading downwards in terms of fertility. Late pregnancies have a greater chance of complications and birth defects. The peak year for fertility and healthy birth is, IIRC, age 24 on average for females.

Life is a series of choices. And choices have consequences. Declining birthrates are inescapable considering the choices made.

Comment Re:As a rail fan (Score 1) 242

Shouldn't wide open areas make it even more suitable for trains?

No, and because of passenger density and volume issues that affects costs. For high speed rail to pay for itself, you need fairly dense-packed areas with high traffic between each other. For HSR to successfully operate on a large scale in the US, it's going to have to be a political decision to subsidize it and eat the costs (see: the Acela).

Even liberal-ish groups that Rah-Rah things like public rail admit that it simply isn't self-supporting in the US. A decade ago, Brookings did a study on American rail, and concluded that if AmTrak was to be "saved", it was going to require a mix of killing off some routes, and subsidizing the remainder:

What Brookings found is not surprising. There are only two routes that do better than break even — New York – DC and New York – Boston — and even those only make money on an operating basis, they don’t cover their capital costs.

Brookings finds that the operating profits (if the federal government subsidizes capital expenses) would cover the top 26 Amtrak routes (which carry 80% of passengers). They recommend having affected states cover the losses of other routes if they want those to survive.

I’m not sure how it would no longer be a subsidy if the states are paying rather than the federal government, but the supposition is billion dollar operating subsidies may no longer be in the cards for Amtrak. So how can they save the service that people actually use, while recognizing that the Chicago – California routes (Chicago Zephyr and Southwest Chief) are unaffordable. Fifteen routes account for over $600 million in annual operating losses.

Put a different way, Amtrak’s long haul operation is bleeding the entire system of the funds it needs to maintain shorter and medium-length routes where the passengers are.

HSR tickets are also naturally going to be more expensive than snail-rail fares, too, further hurting traffic numbers, especially over the longer distance routes.

Comment Re:As a rail fan (Score 1) 242

Some countries just can't do infrastructure. The US and UK are prime examples.

The US can do infrastructure just fine. What it can't do is ape a European rail model that is unworkable in the US. The United States, geographically and culturally, is as different from Europe as it is from Japan. It's a huge, wide-open area with large spaces between major metro areas outside of a small cluster in the Northeast US. Very unlike Japan and Europe in that regard. The train romanticists simply refuse to accept reality on that.

Comment Re:The limits of science (Score 3, Insightful) 77

Certain topics do not lend themselves very well to the scientific method.

It's kind of hard to set up 100 universes, say, and run them through a few billion years. You can't do the experiment part.

Sometimes a hypothesis has potentially observable implications, even if a mad scientist can't reproduce everything in their lab.

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