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Comment Re:Linux needs more desktop forks (Score 1) 185

I'm sorry, I'm not a developer, but I don't think programs target desktop environment, there's almost no reason to target Unity, KDE or Gnome. What kind of application do you have in mind? I think links on desktops work pretty much the same, what exactly do you need to know about the desktop environment when you build your application?

Comment Re:English system is fine (Score 1) 1145

In case if Fahrenheit it's true.

10s and 20s - damn cold
30s - freezing
40s - cold
50s - chilly
60s - cool
70s - room temp, t-shirt time
80s - warm
90s - hot
100s - very hot

Take Celsius is 26C warm or hot about about 31C? How about 17C is it too cold or only chilly?

And I'm saying as somebody who lived most of my life in a country with a metric system. Somehow I got used to Fahrenheit and I find it easier to follow for day to day things. I prefer metric for all the other stuff though.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 466

Only that from what I understand programs share libraries in memory, if each program uses their own libraries then the bloat will be in the memory where it counts not only on the disk... Also, if you fix a bug in a library you have to update all the programs that use that library instead of updating only that library. Doesn't sound efficient to me and if it's a security related bug then you can expect the system to be vulnerable because somebody will be lazy patching their program.

Comment Re:My house, my rules (Score 1) 438

You know what's the problem, is that it's not clear they are going to ask to read your e-mail, I wouldn't have any problem if they ask 100% of the people 100% of the time, then I would know not to go there, however if I already made plans, bought a ticket, took vacation and then when I arrive at the airport they ask to read my e-mail I might have to agree only to make sure they don't screw up my plans. Their claim that is "only done is exceptional cases" is actually making the thing worse, how can I be sure they won't make me such a case? Maybe I posted something on slashdot that they don't like...

Comment Re:Trust us, we have root (Score 1) 255

Wow, this is amazing, confusing an ad fortiori argument with a slippery slope and my pointing out your lack of understanding with an ad hominem attack (for what is worth an ad hominem attack has this form: "you are an idiot, therefore you can't understand the fallacies you listed" I merely said that you don't understand them, that's at most a unsubstantiated claim, but not an ad hominem attack)

I tend not to enter into debates with people who list more than one fallacy in their posts (even if they understand what they mean), I tried to show you the logic of his explanation since I observed you didn't get it in the first place, but I don't suffer of "there's somebody wrong on the Internet, I need to disprove/correct him" syndrome, so, I guess you'll have to find for yourself where your errors are, so sadly I let my claims unproven and you can continue to feel smug and right.

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