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Video How Much Stuff Can Timothy Jam Into His New Hoodie's Pockets? (Video) 183

Timothy Lord is exactly the kind of person for whom the SCOTTEVEST Ultimate Hoodie Microfleece was designed; He's on the go all the time, needs to travel light, and wants to carry lots of stuff on his person to avoid checking luggage when he's flying. Yes, we know; before long half the people waiting to board airliners will be bulked out to double their normal width. Meanwhile, Timothy managed to jam an amazing amount of stuff into his new hoodie. Or jacket, as he prefers to call it.

Comment Re:Why would Sony be afraid? (Score 3, Insightful) 204

You and others who share this viewpoint are the reason oppression is allowed to happen. Turning a blind eye to others' suffering or injustice simply because you disagree with their causes, appearance, or perceived lack of hygiene is something Edmund Burke would have denounced as "despicable."

I'd fight for your right to protest the gathering of "dirty squatters," and the founding principles of our country expect you to do the same for them.

Comment Re:Why would Sony be afraid? (Score 2) 204

"They have tabled no viable proposals or suggestions." - Define "viable." Did you not see the signs and hear the "I propose..." statements of their general assemblies? There are plenty more proposals and suggestions that they've posted on the internet, too, and some of them make far more sense than anything I've seen from our "representatives" lately.

"They have no speakers informing the public." - So all the youtube videos from Anon, the protestors with signs, the country-wide gatherings to SPEAK and INFORM the public don't count?

"And they have no respect for those they claim kinship with (like the Arab Spring protesters), because while they cry about their "rights" being violated, the people they claim kinship with WERE BEING SHOT AT." - Oh, where to start with this one... So, if someone's not being shot at, their rights aren't being violated? Do rubber bullets count? Does tear gas or pepper spray count? I can think of a few people (including several war veterans) involved in the protests that might disagree with you. Perhaps the woman whose unborn child was killed by police who kicked her in the belly and pepper sprayed her - with no reports or evidence that she was in any way involved in illegal activity might have something to say to you.

Did you watch the live feed? We had several chances to receive live video from Arab Spring protestors, and they didn't seem to think we were disrespecting them. In fact, they seemed overcome with solidarity, happy that they weren't the only ones standing up, even if our circumstances are different. They seemed to think that the police brutality and abuse of the legal system against protestors was a very serious issue, and they did not take it lightly. Perhaps you shouldn't, either.

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