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Comment Re:Remind me,,, (Score 1) 327

Having access to the Internet isn't sufficient if you have no encouragement to actually use it. If you don't know that you can apply to a good school and get grants, you never will.

Poverty drives a number of behaviours (and lack of information), whiich lead to a cycle of being poor again. Education is one of those things where you really don't want local taxes funding schools, just fund them all equally well on the educational side of things.

Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 367

This needs paper and pencil, but it's an easy explanation (even if imperfect).

If you draw a graph of temperature vs time, you will see a wave pattern emerge over a few years. Global warming implies that there is more energy in the atmosphere, so the amplitude of the wave will increase. This means summers get hotter and winters get colder.

The scientific debate is about how much of an amplitude change will result, and what the consequences of that will be (we don't know this yet).


Submission + - NASA Loses Contact with Space Station Over Software Update (

kodiaktau writes: Reports early Tuesday morning say that a software update to the Space Station caused a communication blackout with Houston control. Remediation of the update has allowed the astronauts limited communication every 90 minutes or so. It is expected that the issue will be resolved today.

Submission + - Utilities Racing to Plug Grid Before 'Disaster Strikes' (

FreeMichael61 writes: "In the latest episode of Spy vs. Spy, China rejects accusations its hacking U.S. companies to steal IP or bring down the grid. But there's no doubt the grid can be hacked, CIO Journal's Steve Rosenbush and Rachael King report. Industrial control networks are supposed to be protected from the Internet by an air gap that, it turns out, is largely theoretic. Rosenbush and King detail the attack vectors that hackers could use to bring down the electrical system in a neighborhood near you."
Open Source

Submission + - Python Trademark Filer Ignorant Of Python? (

WebMink writes: "Is it possible that the CEO of the company that's trying to file a trademark on "Python" was unaware of Python's importance as a programming technology? That's what he claims — despite running a hosting company that's trying to break into cloud computing, where Python is used extensively. Still, he also regards the Python Software Foundation as a hostile American company and thinks that getting attention from half the world's geeks is a DDoS..."

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