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Comment What? (Score 0, Redundant) 507

What is this obsession with old or cheap crap hardware recently? No, really.. I'm not trolling, this is a honest question. Did everyone here gone broke or something?

As to the original poster, why don't you do us all a favor and recycle this old piece of shyt, buy a used 3 years old notebook and stop wasting everybody's time by asking for support of 15 years old hardware.

Comment Re:What day is it? (Score 1) 521

Here is announcement of one such antenna... And here (PDF warning) is one of the many possible designs of fractal antenna - Sierpinski Monopole (scroll to the middle of the document). As you can see, the antenna with size of about 9 cm is resonant at 0.44, 1.75, 3.51, 7.01 and 13.89 GHz. Pretty cool stuff.

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