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Comment Re:Tabloid trash (Score 2) 858

Canadian dollars are not legal tender in the US, but if someone on the US side of Niagra Falls wants to operate a store and list all the prices in US and Canadian dollars and accept either one as payment, is that illegal?

No because the shop keeper can simply take the Canadian currency and exchange it for US currency at a local bank. Any store can do the same thing with any currency that is accepted. They can also refuse to accept currency over a certain denomination. And that's the trick with bitcoin. A few online retailers might be accepting it, but most are not and I don't know of any brick-and-mortar stores that are.

It's funny how everyone here is acting like BitCoin is this super important thing that is gaining widespread acceptance. Go out on the street and ask someone what bitcoin is and they'll probably look at you funny followed by a "What's a bitcoin?"

Here's something to think about though. If everyone were able to print money, money would be worthless. It would be completely over inflated and totally worthless. Why would I take money you printer when I can print my own? I think the same holds true of bitcoin. Someone with a bunch of computers laying around can just generate bitcoin all day long and cash it in. That seems, to me, to make the currency essentially worthless.

Comment Re:Tabloid trash (Score 1) 858

I don't care what that video says, that does not affect all inkjet printers. That mostly affects HP printers. It likely affects any printer that uses a tricolor ink cartridge. I happen to own an Epson and it does not do that (uses separate ink cartridges for every color). I've had it for several years and it still works just as good today as it did when I got it.

Comment Re:Seconded (Score 1) 265

Forget the encryption part for a moment. Their own privacy policy stated that they reserved the right to sell your information if they ever go bankrupt. One of the other online backup places, Carbonite, has no such statement in their privacy policy. Personally, I'd rather pay for a service that isn't going to sell my info.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 387

And please for the love of all that is good QUIT GOING TO WORST BUY! Because I swear I've had to fix more horribly broken shit from them than from any other shop! So just ask around, an honest fixit guy is more than happy to give you references of past customers.

The only problem with this bit of advice is that we keep telling people it, but they keep doing it anyway because they don't want to pay our rates. Then they get mad when it ends up coming out worse.

I do computer repair on the side (I have a regular day job) and I constantly get people asking me about problems with their computer. They don't even have the computer with them yet they want the error explained and solved (they've written it down of course) so they can go home and fix it. I don't even bother trying to help them. And of course, there are people who want their machine fixed because they're a co-worker. They will actually bring their computer to work and ask if you can look at it. Most of the time I just tell them "Sure, after work and I usually bill X amount". Then I glance at it before giving them an estimate. Sorry folks, I am not your personal computer repair technician. It's rare for someone at work to ask about their home computer and be willing to pay to have it fixed.

The only people that get a pass on that are the two owners of the company and the VP.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 0) 387

If you need some wiring done in your house, do you buy a book on basic wiring so you can check what the electrician did?
If you need a plumber, do you learn basic plumbing code to is if your plumber is being lazy or trying to cheat you?
If your car breaks down, do you spend hours in internet forums trying to get the internet to diagnose your problem before you take it to a mechanic?.

Yes to all 3 actually (except spending hours on the net trying to troubleshoot a breakdown).

Basic electrical isn't that hard to understand. The hard part is usually running the wire. Every outlet sold in the US has a little diagram for how it goes on.

Knowing how pipes fit together isn't that difficult either. Again, a basic knowledge of plumbing doesn't take very long to learn.

A car breakdown isn't too difficult to figure out. Is the "battery light" on? Does it have gas? Does it make any sound when you turn the key? Did the idiot light (oil light) come on before the car stopped? All of those are pretty basic, yet the vast majority of people would have no idea how to diagnose it.

Anything more complex than those and yes, at that point you'd need to take it to someone to have it fixed.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 2) 387

Personally I think high schools should allocate an afternoon to simple PC construction.

Yeah, and I'm sure everyone will show up, not just the geeks.

Do you think most of these people really even care to learn? No. They get pissed when they get ripped off and they'll remember the guy and the company for a long time, but they still don't care about how it works or how to troubleshoot it. Most people are like that and it's just a fact of life.

Comment Re:How can they do this? (Score 1) 254

Probably because "Seal Team 6" doesn't officially exist, is not an official designation (hasn't been since the mid 80s), and is known by the Pentagon as DEVGRU. Just because you keep hearing it called Seal Team 6 doesn't mean that's the actual name.

In short, Disney (or anyone else) can trademark anything they damn well please. It'll be up to the courts to decide if they can hold onto it.

Comment Re:its for the kids (Score 1) 280

Yeah, because it's so difficult to order a few more access points and put them in strategic places.

How many network engineers do you know that take the climate into consideration? I don't know any. Most network engineers want at least 3 bars of coverage around an entire campus. That's usually enough to keep everything connected. If the signal drops below that, they can add more antennas.

Comment Re:Scraping the bottom of the barrel (Score 1) 280

But if you have to make a bet, who would you listen to? The guys who says "It can't last"? Or the guys (and their models) who who have been right for a couple of decades now?

On a large scale? Neither. The guys that say it can't last and the guys with the models that have been right for two decades measure everything else in thousands, millions, and billions of years. Yet they want us to accept that man is contributing to the problem even though they'll readily admit that millions of years ago the planet was probably warmer than they're predicting it will be? I don't think so.

Besides, even if everyone cut back as much as they want, their own models still say it isn't enough. The only solution, according to their models, is for humans to cease to exist.

Comment Re:You wear that Dunce cap well (Score 1) 280

Only a moron wouldn't see the difference between Bush policies and Obama's.

Only a moron would think that they're different.

We're still involved in two wars in the middle east and Obama has dragged us into a third one. Gitmo is still open. Enhanced interrogation is still being used. KSM is going back to Gitmo for military tribunals instead of being tried in a court in new york. Troops are not fully out of Iraq or Afghanistan (Obama is following the Bush timeline). Which of these is different from the Bush years?

Barack Obama's policies of government intervention into the economy have brought us from a near depression to an economic recovery.

If you think this is an economic recovery, then you're either blind, an idiot, or both. We're doing nothing but repeat the exact same mistakes that stalled the economy during the Great Depression and we may be on the verge of entering a period of stagflation.

Obama spent nearly 1 trillion dollars on "stimulus" for the economy. Unemployment just ticked back up to 9%. Obama has spent more in his presidency than all previous presidency's combined.

If you still don't know the difference, do a bit of research instead of falling back on "both parties" are the same nonsense. Both parties are not the same.

You would do well to take your own advice and read some history.

Democrats pushed health care reform, and got it passed into law by 1 fucking vote against 100% Republican opposition.

Yeah, even with a super majority in the Senate, and the supposed support of the American people (67% were against it), they still couldn't get it passed without resorting to procedural maneuvers. And now over 100 companies have been given exemptions as have the unions.

That's one example of a difference but there are many others in environmental laws and everything else. Try not to be such a fucking brain-dead moron in the future.

Their idea of "environmental laws" is preventing companies from building power plants, buying our energy from foreign governments, and then lobbying to end our addiction to foreign energy.

Comment Re:To say nothing of the fact that (Score 2) 280

It costs alot of money to recover from a horrible recession like the one Republicans caused.

When you find yourself in debt, you do not spend more money to get out of debt. You cut spending. Period. It doesn't matter if it's on a personal level or a national level. If you could spend your way to prosperity, everyone would be doing it and the world would be filled with billionaires.

Comment Re:Most important of all? (Score 1) 305

How is it JavaScript's fault that millions of people choose to put their entire lives on Facebook and make it public? It happened before with MySpace. Facebook just took that idea, cleaned up the interface, and has added things like chat and messaging, causing it to, in many cases, replace email for people.

JavaScript is just another tool that is used. If it weren't JavaScript, it would be something else.

Comment Re:On the one hand, they're right (Score 0) 363

"The Californian economy is based on this stuff."

Bullshit. The CA economy is based primarily from Agriculture and Technology. We were #4 economy in the world BEFORE all of this bullshit. These companies are the reason we're at #8 and FALLING.

Sorry pal, but we're falling because the education system sucks and an entitlement complex has infected everyone in this state.

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