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Submission + - Nexus One automatically sensors curse words 1

adeelarshad82 writes: One of the most innovative features of Google's new Nexus One is the built-in voice recognition. But there's one major limitation to it. While uttering a curse word into the Nexus One, the smartphone will replace the curse word automatically with a string of # symbols. While perhaps not as politically charged as Google's censorship of Internet search results in China, this censorship has more to do with precautionary measures.

Submission + - The world's most unique data centres (

An anonymous reader writes: Hidden in the forests of Kloetinge, at the end of a 126m long driveway is the unassuming entrance to one of the world's strangest locations for a data centre — the Cyberbunker facility in the Netherlands. Designed to house up to 72 people from a nuclear attack and for counter espionage, the facility was built at the height of Cold War paranoia in the mid 1950, and was later used (and redesigned) as part of the ASCORN early-warning system in the 1970s to monitor early missile strikes from the Soviet Union. Cyberbunker purchased the underground complex in 1998, turning it into a battle hardened data server that specializes in web hosting and secure data storage. This article about
five of the world's most unique data centres includes some interesting trivia about Cyberbunker, as well as the HavenCo facility and the Sybase/Sun facility in California.


Climate, Habitat Threaten Wild Coffee Species 274

An anonymous reader writes "BBC reports that Dr. Aaron Davis of the Royal Botanical Gardens claims 'almost three-quarters of the world's wild coffee species are threatened, as a result of habitat loss and climate change. "Conserving the genetic diversity within this genus has implications for the sustainability of our daily cup, particularly as coffee plantations are highly susceptible to climate change.'"

$25,000 of Communications Gear In a $500 Car 215

In perhaps one of the finest displays of technological excess in automotive communications gear, one "enthusiast" has managed to cram over $25,000 worth of gear into a $500 car. The car is rigged for just about every conceivable communications band including FM, UHF, VHF, HF, and WTF. What other amazing displays of technological excess have others seen? "The equipment seems to cover an amazing array of technologies, many of which seem to be redundant. For instance, just how many handheld 144 MHz radios do you need? It seems like the owner of the Ham Car is capable of listening to every police/fire/ems/military channel in the world. Simultaneously. There's a laptop and we assume there's some form of cellular or satellite communication setup for that, too."

Comment Better Article at Engadget Mobile (Score 5, Informative) 214

Engadget Mobile provides a better perspective:

iPhone nabs 46 pecent of Japanese smartphone market, the tiny Japanese smartphone market

So you read a headline like "iPhone grabs 46 percent of the Japanese smartphone market" and the first thing you're likely to think is, "wow, Apple is really doing well for itself." Well, it is and it isn't. While it has made some considerable gains in the smartphone market at the expense of phones like Sharp's W-ZERO3 and the Willcom 03, it still hasn't gained nearly the same total mindshare or market share that it has over here. That's because "smartphones" as we know them are still a relatively small market in Japan, where carriers' lineups consist of a whole range of offerings including everything from mobile TV-equipped phones to true camera phones to perfume holders.



Sam Ramji Answers Your Questions 81

A couple weeks back you asked some questions of new CodePlex Foundation President Sam Ramji. He has responded and expressed interest in participating in the discussion at some point. If you have follow up questions feel free to drop them in the discussion so he can address them as he has time.

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