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Comment Re:hiring based on skills is for millennial thinki (Score 5, Interesting) 319

> Millenials however see jobs as more transitory in my experience. They are less career oriented. I don't know how that's going to work out for them. Maybe great.

I'm not sure they have a choice. Companies don't train any more.

If you train on your own, up to and including a new, verifiable, cert/degree/whatever, your employer has no obligation to recognize that, let alone give you a raise. Frankly, your employer would rather have your cheaper replacement, so why bust your ass to get the training?

Let's say you get the training anyway. Your current gig (probably) won't value it, so your only viable option is to tout your new skills at a different employer, hopefully getting enough cash to justify the loss of stability. Lather, rinse, repeat until you find some position/situation/lifestyle you actually want to be.

Then start praying it lasts. In many modern situations, it won't. I don't know whether companies are going bust at historically high rates, but it sorta smells that way to me.

Anyway, I'm not convinced that the next generation eschews stability, so much as lacks a path to it.

Comment Re:Bring back netbooks because they worked before. (Score 1) 90

And the procs weren't great. I recently retired one. Eight years in, perfectly functional, 2lbs, $200@purchase. Actually bought it instead of an iPod.

Looked up the proc on some benchmark site where 100=non-overclocked current fastest thing.

It got a 3. Despite that, it was nearly usable running lxde. Nearly, but not quite.

Been replaced by a refurb'd x230, but I still sorta miss it.

Comment Microsoft's just expanding their company town. (Score 1) 158

Even should it work as you describe, aren't the original buyers going to take the best offer? Which, in turn, is unlikely to be from a person who can afford less-than-$x00,000. Also, the tax bills on those houses will rise with the market, not income, and certainly not low-income income.

Assuming they finance it with cash, they're carrying nearly $12B ( Plus, I'd lay odds it's a tax writeoff. Seems a prudent investment, assuming your future employees want to buy homes at some point.

Comment Re:In other news (Score 1) 167

Don't forget the tour:

Pure hell. NKOTB, Salt n' Pepa, Debbie Gibson, Naughty By Nature, and @#%#ing Tiffany, whose entire set probably consists of the one craptastic semi-hit she had THIRTY-ONE years ago. AND it was a cover. AND they're playing basketball stadia.

I'll defend music until I die. The industry surrounding it can go blow a goat.

Comment Re:Treat the problem (Score 1) 513

Any situation where school is "the deep end" needs to be re-evaluated. School is where you're supposed to try things out to see if you're any good at them. I, for instance, stink at foreign languages. My ineptitude wasn't crucial, learning my limits was.

If you need an even less judgmental forum, try ToastMasters. My wife participated, and there are absolutely no consequences. That's the point.

Frankly, I'd raise the bar a little higher. PPT presentations != "reading the bullet points." Unfortunately, that excludes the vast majority of "professionals" I've seen.

Comment Re:How do they evaluate students? (Score 1) 457

The two minute video presentation. Duh. Totally evens the playing field.

To be fair, this is the first good use of the "4K Video 'Creator'" job class I've seen. If I needed it, I could see dropping $(ProVideoGuySideGigMoney) for 25hr of a pro video guy, maybe $100 per re-edit for differing colleges. Just a new variant of wedding planner / house revamping guy / life coach.

Read: Another bunch of flakes who should be on a 747 to the sun.

Comment Re: Hunger games? (Score 3, Interesting) 174

The genre doesn't deserve such a fine provenance, but I think it was from the Japanese film that spawned the competition portion of The Hunger Games.

I enjoyed it. Your tastes may differ greatly, but if you're ok with stylized hyper-violence, I'd recommend it.

Comment Re:Variation Simulation (Score 1) 186

Just curious, but you sound like a good guy to ask.

I heard a rumor that the window sealant on early Teslas sold to Finland won't survive multiple Scandinavian winters.

No idea whether that's true or not, just curious about the amount of localization that needs to occur. Similarly, how much work is done ON that localization? I'd expect quite a bit, and presume that Tesla can't buy, say, Ford's knowledge base.

Is it actually reasonable to expect a well-finished product on the first couple of attempts?

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