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Comment Re:A Patent, you say? (Score 1) 112

I am surprised too!
and that's fantastic.

What I hate most with the pure touch screen phone is that it's lack of tactile feedback, say the bumps on the "5" key. Imagine if the button, virtual keyboard all could have texture, it would be much easier to use, touch typing on iPad would be possible.

Comment Re:Looks cool, but... (Score 3, Interesting) 371

I RTFA and the video.
It's sounds easier to upgrade then building subway.
In the video, the presenter said either rail on the level could be embedded (like light rail) to save energy, or have the bus run on wheel and follow solid white line painted on the road.

Energy are solved when the bus travels under the charge poles attached to light poles, as well as charging the super-capacitor at each station (BTW they are running super-capacitor bus in the Expo, Shanghai).

Comment Re:Truck "Repellent" System (Score 2, Informative) 371

I can read Chinese...well I mean I am a Chinese that RTA and let me do the translation for you.
Their answer is to have traffic light system that will allow the bus to turn in the intersection while stopping traffic that will be going straight through.
Also as you can see in the simulation, there are 4 lanes (In fact a lot of major local roads in Beijing are 4 lanes per direction, so does the beltway).

I wonder if you want to change lane from the inner two to the outer two...you gotta make the decision fast before the bus come!

Comment Re:Eyestrain (Score 1) 476

Who will hold it at 12 inches? It's so close and focusing at there for more than a minute makes my eyes painful.
I am using my smartphone at 18-20 inches range.

I bet those holding at 12 are those without 20/20 eyesights, and neglect to wear a matching glasses.

Comment Self destruct (Score 1) 383

I have thought of this for a very long time....but never have time to get my hand dirty to implement. It goes like this:
1. Pair with a few bluetooth devices. (hand free, or laptop, or another cell phone...)
2. A software that monitor the signal of the devices, or Wifi
3. If all or predefined set of the devices go offline longer than the predefined timeout, nuke the device.
(Say it would never trigger if it see your home/office wifi, then when you are outside it has to be paired with the bluetooth hand free to prevent being triggered)

Depends if the officer take the battery out quick enough...or how it will be treated in the lab. But at least this is more effective against thief.
Instead of nuking the device, it could be programmed to do something like SOUND loudly so you could recover it before the thief runs away, or it could turn the phone into recording mode, taking pictures, audio, geolocation, phone home...

Comment Re:Some obvious observations (Score 2, Interesting) 255

But this is exactly what makes it hard to abuse. With oddly-moralized hackers up in arms, you can bet they'll seize on any abuses of the filter and plaster them embarresingly over the internet. So the government has a strong incentive to stick within their declared uses of the filter.

So the worst objection to the filter is simply that it could mostly be a waste of time... that said, it will evolve and change and may prove useful.

You don't want to wait that happen. Eventually the government will become having a face so thick that they just outright lying to the citizens. China has already set the example, and I surely you don't follow the shit.

In 2009, a 24yo Man died while being detained. In the press release, official stated that the suspect died from head trauma by hitting the wall when playing hide-and-seek.

Two months ago, another man died while being detained. This time the reason given were he drank too much water - despite that there was a hole in the head, nipple and gential showed signs of abuse.

I am picking the two most obvious and well-known cases, there are many more unbelievable cases like that happening frequently. Although for both cases, the department in a higher hierarchy later came up and clarify the truth. But nevertheless, IMHO they crossed the line. Yet the Chinese couldn't really do anything besides chatting about it on the net. There is no way to replace the official, the government or the party without bleeding.

Going back to Australia and the other countries, you don't want to let your country to step out the first step - please defense your rights.
The "think of the children" is pointless, the child molester will find their way to get the actionable material no matter what, you think a filter or two will stop them? They are driven by the sexual desire and nothing can stop that - human is just another animal. Nor the filter could cure them either. Just like lock can only keep honest people honest - Internet filter in the national sense could only make your Internet experience more trouble, not those child molesters.

Once the government wins this, they will take a even more aggressive step and when you finally find out it's outright unacceptable - it will be too late - and welcome to join the Chinese.

Exercise your right while you still have it, and please protect it, treasure it.

Disclaimer: I'm a Hongkonger, but living in Shanghai.

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
