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Comment Re:Good news (Score 2) 505

Not quite...

It used to be that all Windows OS got 5 years of support. That was the case for Windows Phone 7. But that was not popular with the wireless carriers as their device warranties only lasted 18 months and did not want the hassle of updating their devices beyond that point.

Microsoft is making this change so that the OS support is consistent with the device warranty.

If you want to complain, complain to the carriers.

Comment Re:well... (Score 2) 397

Nope, try again.

Punching someone in the face, refusing to rent and apartment, etc. is a "speech" that is prohibited because it infringes on others' rights. Just like how you cannot yell "fire" in a theater or lie and defame someone in press.

If you want to punch yourself in the face, you have the freedom of the speech to do so.

Comment Re:It just don't make no sense (Score 1) 140

Not sure why you believe this is so. Obviously, you don't have much experience in aerospace/aeronautics engineering.

There is a reason why Navy fighter squad does not have ANY single engine fighters like F-16. It is a requirement that all fighters for Navy have a dual engine. 777 had to go through special testing process to prove that it was just as sea-worthy as 4 engine aircrafts like 747.

You have no clue what you are talking about.

Comment Re:so before Sandy Point, they were idiots? (Score 1) 528

After Australia passed strict gun controls after their mass shooting in 1996, they haven't had a single mass shooting since then.

Howard cites a study (pdf) by Andrew Leigh of Australian National University and Christine Neill of Wilfrid Laurier University finding that the firearm homicide rate fell by 59 percent, and the firearm suicide rate fell by 65 percent, in the decade after the law was introduced, without a parallel increase in non-firearm homicides and suicides.

Comment Re:Damn unfortunate (Score 2) 714

I have a very hard time feeling sorry for Ravi.

Not only is he guilty of what he was accused of doing, he rejected the plea offer that would have spared him jail time and deportation (the same deal that the girl in the case took). He had his chance to admit what he did was wrong and atone, but he flat out rejected that and decided to take his chances.

Now, he can think about the consequences of his actions while sitting in jail and in India once he is deported.

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