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Comment Re:Lots of choices in Europe (Score 1) 1359

Denmark is a mix of Sweden and the Netherlands, I guess. The mixture is what makes Denmark a little weird, on the one hand we are one the most free economies in the world, on the other hand we have a huge government who intervenes in peoples life.

It is a flat and/or hilly country side with a lot of beaches and progressive/environmental city building with much transportation industry and some big companies (Maersk, Danfoss, Lego, Novo Nordisk, Arla), but mainly the Danish people work in smaller companies (if they don't own it themselves). It used to be the country of bacon, butter and beer, but the IT-industry is actually bigger nowadays (not that it isn't still produced heavily).

We have universal health care, but it comes with the price of inefficiency and dreadfulness (but you now can get cheap private insurance for some diagnoses, which has improved conditions radically). The high living standards comes with high prices on food and housing/apartments in the cities (Copenhagen, Aarhus). Hardware and flat rate broadband Internet are pretty cheap. The job market is pretty dynamic and is keeping unemployment pretty low at the moment, but it is rising like every where else. There have been some discussions on legalizing marijuana for last 40 years, but there has just been introduced state donated heroin for the addicted in several cities (based on experiences in Switzerland to give addicts cleaner products). Smoking is prohibited in both public institutions and private companies, because of an EU-directive (but there is typically smoking rooms/areas in most companies, and smoking is very common at parties and even in clubs (though still illegal)).

Most of the parliament (in an libertarian view) are social liberals or xenophobic socialists (like the Danish People Party, which is a little less radical than BNP or Geert Wilders or so it seems). There are few CCTVs in the public, but since we have had IDs (security number, no picture, you get a temporary one on a visa) since the 60s, there is strict laws on where, what and who can use data, both government and private. Politicians are trying to put up speeding cameras again, but it is not a popular decision, since most Danish love their car and drive as it fits them :P

Comment Re:Already got that one (Score 1) 242

Yup, that is the problem. I don't watch DR1, DR2, DR Update (or the 3 new channels coming), TV2 Regions or using DR Online. Why do I have to pay a tax that is on the same price level as all private channels together? Together with that the government sponsors most newspapers in Denmark, journalists copy/paste Google, Reuters and Ritzau (the Danish Reuters), closed off sites (piratebay, allmymp3 ...) and the highest tax level in the world, it is a swell country! :P

Comment Re:Not really... (Score 1) 443

Our bourgeois parties (liberals and conservatives) even routed for Obama at the US election. So sad... even though McCain wouldn't have been much better. Ron Paul all the way, baby! At least we have a libertarian party in parliament, but it is not likely to get in next time

Comment Re:Some crazy conspiracy? (Score 1) 443

Maybe it is even worse to talk about capitalism in Sweden, but at least you got tax cuts, so now Denmark is the most taxed country in the world. What socialists doesn't get, that it is capitalism who pays for welfare. Don't destroy the foundation of the system, fools! That is how mixed economies work.

- libertarian

Comment Re:Some Examples (Score 1) 260

I agree with you on M&M and Thief, but somewhat disagrees with civilization and sim city. Maybe it is because I was always a fan of those two games, but they didn't always end out to be as good as hoped for.

I had a weird experience with Civ1 on Amiga in boarding school, but as soon as I found out how to play, I was hooked. Civilization II was the right evolution for Civ and kept me happy for years. I don't know why Civilization III never got to me, but Civilization IV, all the expansions including Colonization gave my many hours of gameplay again and also playing with friends. If you like a thing in between Civ1 and 2, try FreeCiv.

The same actually happened with Sim City. The first was great for the time being, SC2000 felled right and gave me endless hours of gaming, but SC3000 annoyed me mainly because the skyscrapers made it impossible to view street layouts and that it felled semi-realistic, so I HAD to recreate my home town (which failed on the tools available). Sim City 4 finally made the realistic jump, and it finally feels like a simulator. Since they abandoned it, the modding community have heavily changed the game for the better. Cities XL will probably be the successor, since Maxis has gone to far on the "cuteness factor" with The Sims, Sim City Societies (outsourced and they created a terrible progressive game) and latest Spore. And why shouldn't they? they are making piles of money of these (for me, crap) games.

Comment Re:Yeah, it works. (Score 1) 337

There has been the same talks in Denmark too, since much of our traffic runs through Sweden. Many companies are afraid of espionage if the data came into wrong hands (see UK as an example of government stupidity). Of course they cannot use it against us in a legal matter (yet), but I don't like to see my IP address in a Swedish government database.

Comment Re:PS3 without linux? (Score 1) 425

Well, it looks like a dual-boot, but it is a virtual guest (and therefore you cannot "see" the real partition structure when you load the linux guest). The PS3 can allocate 10GB to _either_ XMB or Linux (annoying choice), but you could use a USB- or NAS-server with your media/retro games.

Submission + - DavMail 3.0.0 released with IMAP, iCal and MacOSX (

SF:mguessan writes: Ever wanted to get rid of Outlook ? DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/LDAP exchange gateway allowing users to use any mail/calendar client (e.g. Thunderbird with Lightning or Apple iCal) with an Exchange server, even from the internet or behind a firewall through Outlook Web Access. DavMail now includes an LDAP gateway to Exchange global address book to allow recipient address completion in mail compoze window and full calendar support with attendees free/busy display. DavMail gateway is implemented in java and should run on any platform. Releases are tested on Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) and Mac OSX. Tray does not work on MacOS and is replaced with a full frame. Tested successfully with the Iphone (gateway running on a server). 3.0.0 is a major new release with new IMAP service to access all your Exchange folders, not only Inbox, Apple iCal support and a new Frame GUI for Mac OSX. Also includes many bugfixes and workarounds for Lightning bugs, and a new Debian (.deb) package. IMAP: - Add IMAP port in settings panel and allow users to disable some services - Implement status command - Handle optional datereceived parameter on append - Fake subscribe/unsubscribe responses - Implement forwarded and answered flags - Replace DAV:ishidden with DAV:isdeleted and fix new Iterator FETCH - Use DAV:ishidden as persistent deleted flag - Convert fetch to range iterator - Implement range iterator on copy and fetch to allow multiple messages move/update - Fix sendMail regression after IMAP implementation - Fix conflict between Draft and bcc PROPATCH - Improve error on server socket bind - Refactor message delete methods - Improve error handling and support optional append date parameter - Another message range fix - Switch to UUID for message names generation on APPEND - Fail gracefully on multiple messages delete - Create messages as Draft, handle draft flag - Flagged, junk flags, draft replace (append + delete) - Implement copy and delete actions on messages and folders - Send back flags on STORE command - Convert Exchange message uid to long to create persistent IMAP uids - Implement move folder, Seen flag, only list mail folders, improve message headers retrieval - Build message name from subject on create - Folder creation cleanup - Implement folder create - Implement search check after append - Initial append implementation - IMAP message list and fetch now working - Progress on IMAP implementation : list folders, some fetch orders - Start IMAP server, do not start servers if port is empty POP: - Implement UIDL command to return a single UIDL Caldav: - from John Ahern: send calendarserver-private-events in DAV: header to activate private events in iCal - Change message sent through outbox contentClass to urn:content-classes:calendarmessage, parse body to build recipients, exclude current user from recipients - Allow multiple attendees in VFREEBUSY request (iCal support) - Fix Connection: close handling and ensure full content read - Implement invitations through outbox (calendar-auto-schedule) - URL encode hrefs in Caldav response, reason for iCal failure - Workaround for Lightning bug do not pretty print Caldav XML responses (remove non mandatory spaces and CRLF) - Use 15 minutes interval instead of 30 for FreeBusy data LDAP: - implement (as much as possible) exact match - fix gallookup regression OSX: - Implement OSX DesktopBrowser - Custom MacOSX Frame with specific Menu - Workaround for minimum frame size on MacOSX - Workaround for bug in MacOSX java in AboutFrame Bugs fixed: - Fix logging levels in settings frame on first start - Execute AWT frames handling in AWT thread - Hide password during AUTH PLAIN in SMTP logs - Emails sent with Outlook contain \"=\" characters - Register socket factory *before* listener threads start to avoid exception on first client connection - Implement If-None-Match header to avoid unwanted message overwrite - Bug 2517478: check if fbdata is not empty - Debian package autostart does not work => remove (should create link under ~/.config/autostart) Enhancements: - Update doc for 3.0.0 release - Implement ExchangeSession.Message equals - Add Help button on settings panel - New failover GUI for Java 1.5 without SWT (e.g. MacOSX support) - Upgrade SWT to 3.4 - Fix TrustManager log message - Mark messages deleted through POP as read, use Overwrite and Allow-rename headers in moveToTrash - NSIS ProcessWork plugin from needed for windows setup build - Replace int states with enum and hide IMAP password in logs, refactor IMAP command parsing - Added a FAQ on failed notifications - Added another frequently asked question - Added a FAQ page in documentation - Add Debian package creation

Submission + - Windows 7 Buzz Hurting Vista

nandemoari writes: A recent survey fromindustry analysts Gartner found that about 30 percent of large businesses were seriously considering skipping Windows Vista altogether, a significant blow to Microsoft which has spent the last year and a half trying to convince home and corporate users alike that the operating system is worth the software and training costs associated with conversion. Although Microsoft profits whether consumers buy Vista or Windows 7, insiders are warning buyers that the latter is unlikely to magically solve all of the Vista's big problems. For one, Windows 7 users will still have to stomach some major compatibility issues until software makers can catch up with the new OS.

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