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Submission + - "The Sims" to move from PC screen to silve

TheCybernator writes: "SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) — Maybe they can call it "The Sims: The Movie." Electronic Arts Inc. has sold the movie rights for "The Sims," the best-selling computer game, of all time to 20th Century Fox, Variety said on Friday. "The Sims" is one of EA's biggest franchises and, including sequels and expansions such as "The Sims: House Party" and "The Sims: Vacation," has sold nearly 85 million copies since it debuted seven years ago. Oft-described as a "virtual dollhouse," the game puts players in charge of simulated people, helping them make friends, find satisfying jobs and buy household items in order to stay happy. "The Sims has done an interactive version of an old story, which is what it's like to have infinite power and how do you deal with it," the Hollywood industry paper quoted Rod Humble, head of The Sims Studio at EA, as saying. "The Sims" was created by legendary game designer Will Wright, known for his quirky titles that eschew linear storylines in favor of letting players create and explore their own worlds. Variety did not mention financial terms of the deal. Spokesmen for EA and Fox could not immediately be reached for comment. Fox is owned by News Corp.. 2519868120070526"

Submission + - Musicians Can Upload & Sell Music And Take .65

Silent Thunder writes: "A new service allow musicians to upload and sell their non-DRM songs on any web site, blog or social network and keep .65 cents per song/download. Seems too generous for the company to make a profit but what the hell, musicians make as little as 4 1/2 cents on iTunes. It does not look like burn lounge's ponzi scheme. If it's real it will rock ~"

Feed UK firms contest 'absurd' software patent ruling (

Conflicts with European law, they say

A group of small British businesses has mounted a challenge to changes made by the Intellectual Property Office's (formerly known as the Patent Office) to the scope of the monopoly a patent holder can be granted for a software patent.

The Internet

Submission + - Virtual rape is traumatic but is it a crime ?

cyberianpan writes: Wired is carrying commentary on the story that Brussels police have begun an investigation into a citizen's allegations of rape — in Second Life. For reasons of civil liberty & clarity we'd like to confine criminal law to physical offences rather than thought crimes but already threats , menace & conspiracy count as crimes. Could we see a situation where our laws extend ? What if people started signing contracts that made Second Life criminal law "real" ?

Submission + - MIT Professor: Who Cares About Global Warming?

Jomama writes: Noted climate expert Richard S. Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, writes in a recent Newsweek article that the global warming debate is irrelevant because global warming is actually a good thing that has naturally occured throughout the Earth's history. From the article:

Looking back on the earth's climate history, it's apparent that there's no such thing as an optimal temperature — a climate at which everything is just right. The current alarm rests on the false assumption not only that we live in a perfect world, temperaturewise, but also that our warming forecasts for the year 2040 are somehow more reliable than the weatherman's forecast for next week.

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