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Comment Re:Sabotaged (Score 3, Insightful) 309

Don't all protests eventually boil down to protesting with other people's hard-earned money? Seems to me that's pretty much the reason for protests -- to disrupt someone's flow of money long or hard enough (inb4 that's what she said) to enact change against some transgression, perceived or otherwise. Whether the act of protesting damages physical property or intangible things like reputation, the end result is that a protest still costs the person or organization being protested money.

The ps4 is still under warranty so the consumer is protected for the cost of the console regardless if this is an act of protest via sabotage or something innocuous. Might cost sony quite a bit though.

Comment Re: attention kmart shoppers there is a bule light (Score 1, Interesting) 309

You're right. I turned on a "+5 Informative" bonus setting for this very post I'm making right now but it'll probably get modded back down..

Back on topic: WTF would TV compatibility have to do with this? That sounds totally bogus since any HDMI capable tv should work, no? Does it have to be a recent Sorny TV to work with the PS4 or what?

Comment Re:oh, well... whitelist time (Score 1) 136

What I would like is a system where I can whitelist the numbers I expect to need to allow to call me which would then go through like normal, but in the cases where I can't whitelist the number in advance, have a voice-menu type screening system where a human caller needs to listen for and repeat a randomly generated PIN (or other code) in order for the call to go through.

Is this a technical infeasibility? I looked into using a custom asterisk BPX-based solution like this several years ago but put it on the permanent backburner for whatever reason.

I suspect if I had such a system the increasingly frequent spoofed caller-id robo-vertisements would drop to nil.

Comment Re:Its free over (Score 1) 193

Slashdot users may be, on average, but I don't think the suits at dice holdings, inc. would really appreciate potentially violating an advertising agreement they have with the company that ostensibly paid to have this submission put to the top of the queue by allowing a link to a pirated version of the commercial book that the app being advertised is based on.

Comment Re:Its free over (Score 4, Informative) 193

Were you here for the scientology clambake/xenu thing like 13 years ago? Scientology sued Slashdot to get an embarrassing copyrighted comment deleted and Slashdot was coerced into compliance. The subsequent Slashdot story about the comment being deleted was in the old Slashdot faq (or maybe hall-of-fame or something) that used to be in the left navbar but now seems to be missing.

There also may have been a time when a link to windows 2000 source code within a comment was deleted but I don't remember if it actually was. I think CmdrTaco et al may have fought and won to keep the comment but my memory on Slashdot lore isn't that good any more.

Comment Re:Shame on them (Score 1) 366

You *are* new here. I've been reading this site since the beginning and I can state, unequivocally, that the comment was literally the best thing this site has ever produced. Pure genius compared to all the other drivel that gets routinely upmodded around here.

I defy you to point to a better comment in the entirety of recorded Slashdot history.

Comment OT COMPLAINT (Score -1, Offtopic) 163

I have ads disabled Slashdot. ADS DISABLED. It's right there in the little checkbox that indicates that ads are disabled. You even thank me for helping to make Slashdot great.

Why then are there ads on this page? I know I could use a blocker but I shouldn't have to because ADS ARE FRAKING DISABLED.

Thank you for reading. :)

Comment Re:A breathalizer in the dashboard will do the sam (Score 1) 389

It seems like there's always some not-drunk (but not necessarily sober) jackass who is willing to cheat these dashboard breathalyzer tests for inebriated drivers who are forced to install such devices due to DUI/DWI infractions. The device may well be more simple to design and implement than a self-driving car, but their efficacy is likewise simple to undermine.

I'm holding out hope for the Johnny Cab: "The door opened. You got in". Now *that's* what I call simple!

Comment OT TWC EAS Rant... (Score 4, Interesting) 54

Time warner cable recently "upgraded" several of our analog cable channels to the basic digital tier which now requires a digital adapter. Unfortunately some of these are local stations that I watch regularly, so if I want to watch them I need the adapter, and using the adapter is mutually exclusive with regular analog cable without running a convoluted system of splitters and coax. Now after "upgrading" with the free digital adapter it's been *incessant* EAS tests and bogus alerts, sometimes going off every hour for days at a time, and the people at TWC can't or won't even attempt to fix it. This is annoying enough, but during one of these swarms of false alerts there was a REAL alert of a TORNADO in the area that ended up doing a lot of damage nearby. TWC's stupid mismanagement of the EAS system has completely undermined the use of the system itself. Bastards. Rant over.

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