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Comment Re:Sweden (Score 1, Insightful) 1040

That is not specific to socialism, or a reason for socialism to fail.

Of course it is, because in socialism the 'people in power' control everything. Socialism is the control of the means of production by the State, and the State is a gang of hungry troughers who want to steal as much as they can from the productive.

This is why just about every socialist nation on the planet is on the verge of bankruptcy, and the few exceptions are primarily resource-heavy economies raking in the cash from selling crap they dig out of the ground.

Comment Re:I like how they conflate "minimum" and "living" (Score 0) 1040

I like how they conflate "minimum" and "living". The quoted councilman is doing it for effect, obviously, but it's not the same thing, and it won't be.

It's just standard Leftyism. First you get a 'minimum wage', because, after all, no-one could be against having a mimimum wage for those poor people in low-paid jobs, could they? Where's your compassion? Then, when that's done, they move on to 'living wage', because no-one could be against those poor people in low-paid jobs earning enough to live on, can they? Then, of course, they'll have to set a 'maximum wage', because those EVIL CEOs earn way too much, how could you be opposed to preventing them from earning so much on the back of the low-paid workers? Then, eventually, they'll set the minimum and maximum wages to the same levels because how could you be opposed to eliminating inequality by having everyone paid the same?

It's so tediously predictable to be just plain boring these days.

Comment Re:Sweden (Score 3, Insightful) 1040

Yes he was. But the outcome of either system is the same - a small group of elites exerts control over the masses - they just differ on who the small group of elites should be.

Yes, exactly. Socialists whine about 'equality', then when they're in power they steal money from the poor taxpayers to pay for their Zil limos; but that's OK, because they don't actually own the Zil limos, they just use them.

Comment Re:12.64 percent in only 17 months (Score 3, Informative) 187

People have nearly always put their damned fingers on the screen when they wanted things to happen.

Since when? I've never seen anyone put their damned fingers on a PC screen and expect it to do something.

A mouse (and especially a touchpad) -- that's a crappy interface device for a civilization that can't manufacture good touch devices and program good touch software.

About the only things a touchsceen is better at than a keyboard and mouse are finger painting, or clicking huge icons in a fast food store. For anything that requires any kind of precision, a touchscreen is an appallingly bad interface.

Comment So, they haven't actually raised it (Score 4, Insightful) 1040

They've just promised that some other group of politicians will raise it years from now?

This seems to be the way so many new laws work: they're delayed until after the next election, so today's politicos can take the praise for passing the law, and the new bunch will be the ones in power when the problems become apparent.

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